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Last active July 29, 2024 14:43
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Terminating untyped NbE with a configurable limit
module Make_term (S : sig
type 'a t [@@deriving show]
end) =
type t = def S.t
and def = Lam of t | Var of int | Appl of t * t
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
let _ =
module T = Make_term (struct
type 'a t = 'a [@@deriving show]
(* A term annotated with a number indicating how many more times it can be
passed to [eval] (defined below). *)
module Nbe_term = Make_term (struct
type 'a t = 'a * int ref [@@deriving show]
type value = VClosure of value list * Nbe_term.t | VNt of neutral
and neutral = NVar of int | NAppl of neutral * value
let vvar lvl = VNt (NVar lvl)
let vappl (m, n) = VNt (NAppl (m, n))
(* The maximum number of times [eval] is permitted to evaluate a single term
(not accounting for different environments). *)
let limit = 1000
let tank : T.def -> Nbe_term.t =
let open Nbe_term in
let rec go term = (go_def term, ref limit)
and go_def = function
| T.Lam m -> Lam (go m)
| T.Var idx -> Var idx
| T.Appl (m, n) -> Appl (go m, go n)
exception Out_of_fuel of Nbe_term.def
let check_limit_exn (term, fuel) =
if !fuel > 0 then decr fuel else raise (Out_of_fuel term)
(* Since [eval] can only be called with some term [M] at most [limit] times,
and the set of terms is finite (they are all drawn from the input program),
[eval] will always terminate. *)
let rec eval ~rho ((term : Nbe_term.def), fuel) =
let open Nbe_term in
check_limit_exn (term, fuel);
match term with
| Lam m -> VClosure (rho, m)
| Var idx -> List.nth rho idx
| Appl (m, n) -> (
let m_val = eval ~rho m in
let n_val = eval ~rho n in
match m_val with
| VClosure (rho, m) -> eval ~rho:(n_val :: rho) m
| VNt neut -> vappl (neut, n_val))
let rec quote ~lvl : value -> T.def = function
| VClosure (rho, m) ->
let m_nf = normalize_at ~lvl ~rho m in
T.Lam m_nf
| VNt neut -> quote_neut ~lvl neut
and quote_neut ~lvl : neutral -> T.def = function
| NVar var -> T.Var (lvl - var - 1)
| NAppl (neut, n_val) ->
let m_nf = quote_neut ~lvl neut in
let n_nf = quote ~lvl n_val in
T.Appl (m_nf, n_nf)
(* [normalize] will terminate too by the same reasoning. *)
and normalize ~lvl ~rho (term : Nbe_term.t) : T.def =
quote ~lvl (eval ~rho term)
and normalize_at ~lvl ~rho (term : Nbe_term.t) : T.def =
normalize ~lvl:(lvl + 1) ~rho:(vvar lvl :: rho) term
let test term =
(* Try to find the beta normal form of the input term... *)
let _nf = normalize ~lvl:0 ~rho:[] (tank term) in
print_endline "Ok."
with Out_of_fuel term ->
print_endline ("Out of fuel: " ^ Nbe_term.show_def term)
let zero = T.(Lam (Lam (Var 0)))
let succ = T.(Lam (Lam (Lam (Appl (Var 1, Appl (Appl (Var 2, Var 1), Var 0))))))
let mul =
T.(Lam (Lam (Lam (Lam (Appl (Appl (Var 3, Appl (Var 2, Var 1)), Var 0))))))
let appl (f, list) = List.fold_left (fun m n -> T.Appl (m, n)) f list
let one = appl (succ, [ zero ])
let two = appl (succ, [ one ])
let three = appl (succ, [ two ])
let four = appl (succ, [ three ])
let five = appl (succ, [ four ])
let ten = appl (mul, [ five; two ])
let hundred = appl (mul, [ ten; ten ])
let thousand = appl (mul, [ hundred; ten ])
let () =
let id_appl = T.(Appl (Lam (Var 0), Lam (Var 0))) in
(* Ok. *)
test id_appl;
let n5k = appl (mul, [ thousand; five ]) in
(* Ok. *)
test n5k;
let self_appl = T.(Lam (Appl (Var 0, Var 0))) in
let omega = T.Appl (self_appl, self_appl) in
(* Out of fuel: (Appl (((Var 0), ref (0)), ((Var 0), ref (0)))) *)
test omega
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