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Last active July 10, 2020 14:51
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Sieve of Eratosthenes
* Initializes an empty sieve
* @returns {{primes: Set<number>, crossed: Set<number>, greatestComputedMultiples: Map<number, number>}}
const createSieve = () => ({
primes: new Set(),
crossed: new Set(),
greatestComputedMultiples: new Map(), // `prime` -> greatest computed multiple for `prime`
* Generates prime numbers < max that have not yet been computed in the
* specified `cache`. That way, we can resume execution after the latest
* computed prime number found in `cache` simply by calling the generator
* again with a greater value of `max` and using the same reference to `cache`.
* @param max
* @param cache
* @returns {Generator<number, void, *>}
const primes = function* (
cache = createSieve(),
) {
const {
} = cache;
for (let i = 2; i < max; i++) {
if (!crossed.has(i) && !primes.has(i)) {
yield i;
let multiple = greatestComputedMultiples.get(i) || i;
do {
multiple += i;
greatestComputedMultiples.set(i, multiple);
} while (multiple < max);
* Computes the n-th prime number.
* @param n
* @param bufferSize
* @param sieve
* @returns {number}
const nthPrime = (
bufferSize = 100,
sieve = createSieve(),
) => {
let i = 1;
while (i < n) {
for (let prime of primes(bufferSize, sieve)) {
if (i++ === n) {
return prime;
// update the search range if the n-th prime number has not been found at this point
bufferSize += bufferSize;
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const arr = [...primes(600)];
console.log(arr); // => [ 2, 3, 5, ..., 599 ]
console.log(arr[99]); // => 541
console.log(nthPrime(100)); // => 541
console.log(nthPrime(100_000)); // => 1299709

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