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let bookmarkList = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.widget>.vbox'))
.map(e => e.shadowRoot)
.map(e => e && e.querySelector('.device-page-list'))
.find(e => e);
let bookmarks = Array.from(bookmarkList.querySelectorAll('.vbox'))
.map(e => `<a href="${e.querySelector('x-link').innerHTML}">${e.querySelector('.device-page-title').innerHTML}</a>`);
copy('<html><body>' + bookmarks.join('\n') + '</body></html>');
const deepCopyFunction = (inObject) => {
let outObject, value, key
if (typeof inObject !== "object" || inObject === null) {
return inObject // Return the value if inObject is not an object
// Create an array or object to hold the values
outObject = Array.isArray(inObject) ? [] : {}
esedic / detect_touch.js
Created September 6, 2019 11:34
Various JavaScript methods for detecting touch/mobile devices
// Method 1
var isTouchDevice =
(('ontouchstart' in window) ||
(navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) ||
(navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0));
console.log('is not touch');
console.log('is touch');
rjoydip-zz /
Last active June 27, 2024 01:35
How you can set `UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE` value?

When you need to set value to "UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE"?

  • Libuv has a default thread pool size of 4, and uses a queue to manage access to the thread pool - the upshot is that if you have 5 long-running DB queries all going at the same time, one of them (and any other asynchronous action that relies on the thread pool) will be waiting for those queries to finish before they even get started.

  • Note, however, that tuning UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE may make more sense for a standalone application like a CLI written in Node.js. If you are standing up a bunch of Node.js processes using the cluster module then I would be surprised if tuning UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE was particularly beneficial for you. But if your application resembles the web tooling benchmarks then tuning UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE may help with performance.

var keepsHisWord;
keepsHisWord = true;
promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (keepsHisWord) {
resolve("The man likes to keep his word");
} else {
reject("The man doesnt want to keep his word");
anschaef / bootstrap-4-sass-mixins-cheat-sheet.scss
Last active April 12, 2024 08:49
Bootstrap 4 Sass Mixins [Cheat sheet with examples]
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// All Bootstrap 4 Sass Mixins [Cheat sheet]
// Updated to Bootstrap v4.5.x
// @author
// @see
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// ########################################################################## */
// New cheat sheet for Bootstrap 5:
StarpTech / event-loop-examples.js
Created May 23, 2017 10:05
Great examples to understand the differences of setImmediate, setTimeout and nextTick()
* setImmediate callbacks are fired off the event loop, once per iteration in the order that they were queued.
* So on the first iteration of the event loop, callback A is fired.
* Then on the second iteration of the event loop, callback B is fired, then on the third iteration of the event loop callback C is fired, etc.
* This prevents the event loop from being blocked and allows other I/O or timer callbacks to be called in the mean time (as is the case of the 0ms timeout, which is fired on the 1st or 2nd loop iteration).
setImmediate(function A() {
setImmediate(function B() {
ummahusla /
Last active September 5, 2024 13:48 — forked from brev/
Git overwrite branch with another branch
# overwrite master with contents of feature branch (feature > master)
git checkout feature # source name
git merge -s ours master # target name
git checkout master # target name
git merge feature # source name
LeCoupa / nodejs-cheatsheet.js
Last active June 30, 2024 04:14
Complete Node.js CheatSheet --> UPDATED VERSION -->
/* *******************************************************************************************
* ******************************************************************************************* */
// 0. Synopsis.
ncreated / PrintLocalesController.m
Last active February 29, 2024 16:29
List of iOS locales with currency formatting.
// PrintLocalesController.m
// NSFormatterTest
// Created by Maciek Grzybowski on 02.04.2014.
#import "PrintLocalesController.h"
@interface PrintLocalesController ()