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Created April 15, 2024 17:00
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Solution for this StackOverflow Question:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:televerse/televerse.dart';
// Bot instance
final bot = Bot(
// - Variables - //
// The group/chat id
ChatID? id;
// Message ID of the poll (will be set once sent)
int? msgId;
// Poll Id of the poll (not really necessary)
String? pollId;
void main(List<String> args) {
// Starts bot with Long Polling.
// /start command handler - simply sends a poll to the group/chat where /start command is recieved
bot.command('start', (ctx) async {
await ctx.reply("Here's a poll.");
final msg = await ctx.replyWithPoll(
"Are you ready for a trip next month?",
["YESSSS", "Nah"],
// Sets the variables
id =;
msgId = msg.messageId;
pollId = msg.poll?.id;
// Handles the /stop command - stops the poll with `chat_id` and `message_id`.
bot.command('stop', (ctx) async {
// validation
if (id == null || msgId == null) {
await ctx.reply("Hmm, no way.");
// stopPoll API call
await ctx.api.stopPoll(id!, msgId!);
// Listens to `poll` updates.
bot.poll((ctx) async {
// Recieved poll update
final poll = ctx.poll!;
// If poll is not closed we don't have to handle anything.
if (!poll.isClosed) return;
// Poll is closed, ie, this is the final Poll update related to this particular poll.
await ctx.api.sendMessage(
"There we go. We finally have a poll result.",
// Just sorting the poll options based on the voter count. (Not necessary)
poll.options.sort(((a, b) => b.voterCount.compareTo(a.voterCount)));
// ...
// Most voted option.
final bestOption = poll.options.first;
await ctx.api.sendMessage(
"The best option was ${bestOption.text} with ${(bestOption.voterCount / poll.totalVoterCount) * 100}% votes.",
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