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Created January 6, 2018 17:34
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  • Save HerrCraziDev/468a832395a427a3283a6b1b2b54a469 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script for performing an hoverslam (aka. suicide burn) in KSP, like SpaceX's rockets. Uses the mod kOS. Start the script on the launchpad, and launch the rocket normally. It will automatically handle the descent and landing for you.
parameter defaultRadarOffset is 7, gearDeployTime is 6.
print "*****************************".
print "* FAITO Aerospace *".
print "* XASR-3.1 Autolander Pilot *".
print "* © Empire of Fegeland, 2055*".
print "*****************************".
if defaultRadarOffset <> 7
set radarOffset to defaultRadarOffset.
if abs(ship:verticalspeed) < 1
set radarOffset to alt:radar. // The value of alt:radar when landed (on gear)
} else if radarOffset = 0 {
set radarOffset to defaultRadarOffset.
print "Warning : pilot engaged while in flight, radar offset will be set to 7 (XASR-3).".
//Distance from impact point, else vessel's altitude
if addons:tr:available and addons:tr:hasimpact
lock impactDist to addons:tr:impactpos:distance.
} else {
lock impactDist to alt:radar - radarOffset.
print "Warning : impact position not available. You should (re)install Trajectories, or maybe takeoff.".
lock g to constant:g * body:mass / body:radius^2. // Gravity (m/s^2)
lock shipVel to ship:velocity:surface:mag. // Vessel's total velocity
lock maxDecel to (ship:availablethrust / ship:mass) - g. // Maximum deceleration possible (m/s^2)
lock stopDist to ship:velocity:surface:sqrmagnitude / (2 * maxDecel). // The distance the burn will require
lock idealThrottle to stopDist / impactDist. // Throttle required for perfect hoverslam
lock impactTime to impactDist / abs(shipVel). // Time until impact, used for landing gear
print "Radar offset : " at (0, terminal:width).
print radarOffset at (16, terminal:width).
when ship:verticalspeed < -1 then
print "Preparing for autolanding...".
rcs on.
sas off.
brakes on.
lock steering to srfretrograde.
when impactTime < gearDeployTime then
gear on.
when impactDist < stopDist then
print "Performing autolanding".
print idealThrottle.
print shipVel.
print stopDist.
lock throttle to idealThrottle.
when ship:groundspeed < 1 and ship:verticalspeed < 5 then
lock steering to Up.
print "Vessel verticalized.".
when impactTime < 2 then
lock impactDist to alt:radar - radarOffset.
print "Precision approach phase. Impact in 2s.".
when ship:status = "LANDED" then
print "Autolanding completed".
set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0.
unlock steering.
rcs off.
sas on.
UNTIL ship:status = "LANDED"
print "SRF VEL : " + round(shipVel, 4) + " m/s " at (0, terminal:height - 11).
print "HOR VEL : " + round(ship:groundspeed, 4) + " m/s " at (0, terminal:height - 10).
print "VERT VEL : " + round(ship:verticalspeed, 4) + " m/s " at (0, terminal:height - 9).
print "DESC RATE: " + round( abs(ship:verticalspeed/ship:groundspeed), 2) + " " at (0, terminal:height - 8).
print "IMPACT : T+" + round(impactTime, 3) + " s " at (0, terminal:height - 6).
print "IMPACT DIST : " + round(impactDist, 2) + " m " at (0, terminal:height - 5).
print "MAX DECEL : " + round(maxDecel, 5) + " m/s² " at (0, terminal:height - 4).
print "S. BURN DIST : " + round(stopDist, 2) + " m " at (0, terminal:height - 3).
print "THROTTLE : " + round(idealThrottle*100,2) + " % " at (0, terminal:height - 1).
WAIT 0.01.
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