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Last active November 10, 2021 05:35
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Python Boot Camp : Python Basics & Concepts.

Python is an interpreted, high-level language created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. It is dynamically typed and garbage collected.

Python programs have the extension .py and can be run from the command line by typing python

Probably its most noticeable characteristic is its use of significant white space to delimit code blocks, instead of the more popular {} symbols.

End-of-line semicolons (;) are optional and usually not used in Python.

Python becomes the best solution in many domains from web applications, data analysis, data science, machine learning, and AI.

Python basics is about the fundamentals programming concepts and deep understanding of the basic building blocks of python programming language. Like the way program reads, the core syntax, and so on.

  1. Basic data types - what strings are, understanding booleans, etc.


  1. Variables - you want to understand how these work, and why they are even used in programming


  1. Control flow - Topics like if, else, elif statements.

  2. Chaining conditionals - understanding its evaluation and syntax.


  1. Operators - how do we subtract or add 2 variables, what does the modulus operator do, and so on.


  1. Loops and iterables - Things like while loops, for loops, looping through dictionaries, lists, etc. This however lead me smoothly to the next topic

  2. Understanding lists, sets, dictionaries, float, etc. After these you can move on to functions

  3. Functions - They play a vital part in Python. Deep understanding of functions will give you a great foundation for more topics to come.

  4. Mutable and immutable data types

  5. Common methods in Python - like how to change a string to lower case and so on.

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Functions - They play a vital part in Python. A deep understanding of functions will give you a great foundation for more topics to come.

Python game like Tetris -

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Thank you Morris for the feed back.

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The concepts mentioned here are the building blocks of becoming a good python developer.

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