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Starkad and Poseidon: New Hash Functions for Zero Knowledge Proof Systems
#!/usr/bin/env python
Implements the Poseidon permutation:
Starkad and Poseidon: New Hash Functions for Zero Knowledge Proof Systems
- Lorenzo Grassi, Daniel Kales, Dmitry Khovratovich, Arnab Roy, Christian Rechberger, and Markus Schofnegger
Other implementations:
from math import log2
from collections import namedtuple
from pyblake2 import blake2b
SNARK_SCALAR_FIELD = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617
_PoseidonParams = namedtuple('_PoseidonParams', ('p', 't', 'nRoundsF', 'nRoundsP', 'seed', 'e', 'constants_C', 'constants_M'))
def poseidon_params(p, t, nRoundsF, nRoundsP, seed, e, constants_C=None, constants_M=None):
assert nRoundsF % 2 == 0 and nRoundsF > 0
assert nRoundsP > 0
assert t >= 2
assert isinstance(seed, bytes)
M = 128 # security target, in bits
n = log2(p)
N = n * t
if p % 2 == 3:
assert e == 3
grobner_attack_ratio_rounds = 0.32
grobner_attack_ratio_sboxes = 0.18
interpolation_attack_ratio = 0.63
elif p % 5 != 1:
assert e == 5
grobner_attack_ratio_rounds = 0.21
grobner_attack_ratio_sboxes = 0.14
interpolation_attack_ratio = 0.43
# XXX: in other cases use, can we use 7?
raise ValueError('Invalid p for congruency')
# Verify that the parameter choice exceeds the recommendations to prevent attacks
# § 3 Cryptanalysis Summary of Starkad and Poseidon Hashes (pg 10)
# Figure 1
#print('(nRoundsF + nRoundsP)', (nRoundsF + nRoundsP))
#print('Interpolation Attackable Rounds', ((interpolation_attack_ratio * min(n, M)) + log2(t)))
assert (nRoundsF + nRoundsP) > ((interpolation_attack_ratio * min(n, M)) + log2(t))
# Figure 3
#print('grobner_attack_ratio_rounds', ((2 + min(M, n)) * grobner_attack_ratio_rounds))
assert (nRoundsF + nRoundsP) > ((2 + min(M, n)) * grobner_attack_ratio_rounds)
# Figure 4
#print('grobner_attack_ratio_sboxes', (M * grobner_attack_ratio_sboxes))
assert (nRoundsF + (t * nRoundsP)) > (M * grobner_attack_ratio_sboxes)
# § 4.1 Minimize "Number of S-Boxes"
# In order to minimize the number of S-boxes for given n and t, the goal is to and
# the best ratio between RP and RF that minimizes:
# number of S-Boxes = t · RF + RP
# - Use S-box x^q
# - Select R_F to 6 o rhigher
# - Select R_P that minimizes tRF +RP such that no inequation (1),(3),(4),(5) is satisfied.
if constants_C is None:
constants_C = list(poseidon_constants(p, seed + b'_constants', nRoundsF + nRoundsP))
if constants_M is None:
constants_M = poseidon_matrix(p, seed + b'_matrix_0000', t)
# § 4.1 6 SNARKs Application via Poseidon-π
# page 16 formula (8) and (9)
n_constraints = (nRoundsF * t) + nRoundsP
if e == 5:
n_constraints *= 3
elif e == 3:
n_constraints *= 2
#print('n_constraints', n_constraints)
return _PoseidonParams(p, t, nRoundsF, nRoundsP, seed, e, constants_C, constants_M)
def H(arg):
if isinstance(arg, int):
arg = arg.to_bytes(32, 'little')
# XXX: ensure that (digest_size*8) >= log2(p)
hashed = blake2b(data=arg, digest_size=32).digest()
return int.from_bytes(hashed, 'little')
def poseidon_constants(p, seed, n):
assert isinstance(n, int)
for _ in range(n):
seed = H(seed)
yield seed % p
def poseidon_matrix(p, seed, t):
""" § 2.3 About the MDS Matrix (pg 8)
c = list(poseidon_constants(p, seed, t * 2))
return [[pow((c[i] - c[t+j]) % p, p - 2, p) for j in range(t)]
for i in range(t)]
DefaultParams = poseidon_params(SNARK_SCALAR_FIELD, 6, 8, 57, b'poseidon', 5)
def poseidon_sbox(state, i, params):
""" § 2.2 The Hades Strategy (pg 6)
In more details, assume R_F = 2 · R_f is an even number. Then
- the first R_f rounds have a full S-Box layer,
- the middle R_P rounds have a partial S-Box layer (i.e., 1 S-Box layer),
- the last R_f rounds have a full S-Box layer
half_F, nRoundsF = params.nRoundsF // 2, params.nRoundsP
e, p = params.e, params.p
if i < half_F or i >= (half_F + params.nRoundsP):
for j, _ in enumerate(state):
state[j] = pow(_, e, p)
state[0] = pow(state[0], e, p)
def poseidon_mix(state, M, p):
The mixing layer is a matrix vector product of the state with the mixing matrix
return [ sum([M[i][j] * _ for j, _ in enumerate(state)]) % p
for i in range(len(M)) ]
def poseidon(inputs, params=None):
if params is None:
params = DefaultParams
assert isinstance(params, _PoseidonParams)
assert len(inputs) > 0 and len(inputs) < params.t
state = [0] * params.t
state[:len(inputs)] = inputs
for i, C_i in enumerate(params.constants_C):
state = [_ + C_i for _ in state] # ARK(.)
poseidon_sbox(state, i, params)
state = poseidon_mix(state, params.constants_M, params.p)
return state[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert DefaultParams.constants_C[0] == 14397397413755236225575615486459253198602422701513067526754101844196324375522
assert DefaultParams.constants_C[-1] == 10635360132728137321700090133109897687122647659471659996419791842933639708516
assert DefaultParams.constants_M[0][0] == 19167410339349846567561662441069598364702008768579734801591448511131028229281
assert DefaultParams.constants_M[-1][-1] == 20261355950827657195644012399234591122288573679402601053407151083849785332516
assert poseidon([1,2], DefaultParams) == 12242166908188651009877250812424843524687801523336557272219921456462821518061
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