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Created September 17, 2024 14:38
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  • Save HariSekhon/b98e9f7f501b7136ee41e5a1bc01e726 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HariSekhon/b98e9f7f501b7136ee41e5a1bc01e726 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. from HariSekhon/Knowledge-Base repo:



Document right in your Git repo by creating a and have your Git repo hosting platform render it as your repo's home page - put links in it to your other markdown *.md doc files in your repo.

GitHub Markdown Syntax Documentation


MKDocs converts standard markdown files into a website.

Markdown Best Practices

Lint your Markdown

Use MDL:

Useful for auto-linting before committing as well as in CI/CD.

See GitHub Actions - Markdown reusable workflow.

URL Hyperlinking

It's important not to put a bare URL because they won't by hyperlinked in some systems like MKDocs.

Use a text hyperlink:

[Some Text](

or if you want to show the URL wrap it in < and > to ensure it maintains compatibility to become a hyperlink:


Relative Link Paths

Make links to files in the same repo, such as other markdown files or images, relative to the current markdown file so that they don't break if you change an MKDocs domain or Git repo location.

This also allows for better local navigation to click through to edit files in IDEs like IntelliJ.

Code Blocks vs Inline Code

Use triple backticks on separate lines to create code blocks and put a language attribute immediately after the opening backticks:

some_command -with -args 1

This is much more readable than an inline code of some_command -with args 1 and then carry on with your day.

Code blocks get a Copy to Clipboard link making your life easier.

Inline code should only be for short references to command names or an arg eg. use the git command or specify --force-with-lease option in git if you really insist on doing rebases and force pushes.

(See also: The Evils of Git Rebasing)

Syntax Highlighting

Put a language name immediately after the first triple backticks then you get syntax highlighting eg.


Compare the readability of this:

if (isCommandAvailable('gcloud')) {
    echo 'Using GCloud SDK to configure Docker'
    // configures docker config with a token
    sh "gcloud auth configure-docker '$GAR_REGISTRY'"

with this having syntax highlighting:

if (isCommandAvailable('gcloud')) {
    echo 'Using GCloud SDK to configure Docker'
    // configures docker config with a token
    sh "gcloud auth configure-docker '$GAR_REGISTRY'"

(example from HariSekhon/Jenkins repo)

IntelliJ Code Block Execution

If you run IntelliJ there is also a green triangle arrow next to shell blocks to execute them with only one click, code notebook style.

echo "execute this command"
echo execute this command


You can put emojis in literally or using shortcodes.

Here is a repo listing them:

Badges & Icons


Use to create many different types of badges.


Use Simple Icons for a great selection of icons.

These can be used with the logo= parameter in above.

However, for icons that are not available on the Simple Icons site, or those that got removed, you can use the script from the DevOps-Bash-tools repo.

Download the icon:

wget -nc linkedin.svg

or directly from a URL containing the icon:

Either will result in an output like this:


Now the default LinkedIn logo comes out dim like this:

My LinkedIn

So add the SVG attribute fill="#ffffff" to the SVG (it's just XML file) to add white filler.

sed 's|/>|fill="#ffffff" />|' linkedin.svg > linkedin_filled.svg linkedin_filled.svg

which results in a different base encoded data:


Paste that generated parameter to the end of the URL, prefix with a ? if the first parameter or a & if appended to existing parameters:



My LinkedIn

Icon Colours

Usually you can get the hex colour of an icon or brand from the website.

Click the hex colour code to copy it to clipboard.

However, sometimes the colour they have is not the colour that matches the website logo, such as is the case with Miro:

which shows this dark #050038 colour which would result in:


instead of the yellow colour that one usually associates with Miro:


In this case you can detect the colour off the website or logo yourself...

Detecting Colours - ColorZilla

You can pick the colour of an image or logo off a web page using ColorZilla to use it in a badge.

Install the Chrome extension or Firefox extension and then just click the extension icon, picker and choose an icon or image or area from the web page.

For example, I used this to find out the exact yellow colour of the logo as FEDD33.

This would be hard to determine by guessing the colour, and if you just picked the generic yellow colour it would come out as this:


Whereas with the hex colour detection of the exact hex code of FEDD33 it comes out as this, which is a very diffferent yellow:


Star History Graphs

Generate nice graphs of how your repo's star counts increased over time.

Star History

May look more like a steeper rise and therefore more impressive than below.

Star History Chart

in Dark mode using HTML:

Star History Chart

Use Align timeline and multiple repos to compare their stars at the same relative ages:

Star History Chart

Star Charts

Stargazers over time

Link Team Support Numbers to WhatsApp Desktop

Support mobile phone numbers should be created as WhatsApp links to allow one-click opening of chats in WhatsApp Desktop for convenience:

[+44 776 999 1234](

This is not my real number. Recruiters please do not call it.

Also, if you have my real number, please do not call it.

Always message me on LinkedIn instead after reading my profile's summary bullet point criteria - it'll give you nearly everything you need to know about my availability and preferences.

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