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Created September 17, 2024 14:37
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Key Points

People cite wanting 'banking experience'.

When you finally get there, you find out there is nothing to it.

The key skill is not technical - it's tolerating a lot of red tape, BS, meetings, documents, wasted budgets and slow progress.

One large bank didn't even get their servers within 6 months, and had 10 managers for 9 engineers.

Fintechs are the future - they focus on tech, they're faster and are harder to work for technically.

Case in point: compare app-first banks which you can open in 10 minutes to legacy high street banks that tell you to get an appointment weeks away.

When I was racing to open accounts to spread money for FSCS protection just before Brexit vote, this was the exactly experience I had as a consumer.

Investment banks have a bit of technical jargon that it helps to know in conversation, although you probably won't be working on anything actually needing this knowledge as an IT guy.

Quick Cheatsheet for Investment Banking Jargon

Term Description
Options pre-agreed right to buy at a specified strike price on or before given date
- Buyer = owner of option, can exercise and seller is obliged to fulfill transaction
- Buyer pays to reserve this right whether he uses it or not
- this essentially allows a buyer to gamble and over leverage in case the price moves in their favour
Futures Contract agreement to buy something at a future date for a price agreed today ("futures price" aka "strike price")
Forward Contract non-std futures contract
Spot Contract bought now (2 days)
Credit Default Swap insurance policy to transfer a loan that's defaulted to the insuring party
Chinese Walls separation of departments that may have conflict of interest

Ported from private Knowledge Base page 2014+

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