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Created September 19, 2024 00:35
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Kong API Gateway


  • Kong Gateway (open source) - API Gateway reverse-proxy
  • Kong Konnect (Saas single global control plane manages self-installed gateways)
  • Kong Manager - free/enterprise mode - uses Kong admin API to control Kong Gateway
  • Kong decK - CLI for managing Kong Gateway or Konnect in declarative fashion
  • Kong Plugin Hub
  • Kong Mesh - service mesh based on Kuma and Envoy for Kubernetes or VMs
  • Kong Insomnia - open-source API desktop client - tested but not sure what the point of this is compared to curl
    • Inso - Insomnia CLI for CI/CD use
  • Mockbin - create API endpoints to test using Insomnia

Kong Gateway

Kong Kubernetes Deployment:

HariSekhon/Kubernetes - kong/

Default username / password: kong_admin / password

  • most popular open-source API gateway reverse proxy

  • Enterprise version requires for advanced plugins such as OIDC, RBAC, OPA, adv rate limiting and transformations

  • Single-binary containing components:

    • Nginx
    • OpenResty
    • API Management
    • Plugins
    • Admin API
    • Kong Manager / declarative configuration via yaml/CLI
  • low latency < 1ms

  • high throughput 50K+ transactions/sec per node

  • Kubernetes-native Ingress Controller and configuration yamls using CRD objects to declaratively configure all aspects of Kong (see HariSekhon/Kubernetes - kong/ )

  • GitOps declarative configuration

  • multiple API versions - redirect users to latest, rollback to previous version

  • High Availability

  • written in Lua on top of OpenResty framework which runs on an Nginx web server - loads Lua, JS, Go or Python plugins

  • Consumer - the external client

  • Route - path that maps to a URL to a service backend

    • can use regex paths (longer matches take precedence)
    • prefix paths are more resource efficient
  • Service - the backend app's protocol configuration

  • Upstream - the backend app's load balancing + health check

  • Load Balancing

    • DNS
    • "Ring"
      • round robin (default)
      • consistent hashing - consumer, ip, header or cookie
      • least connections
      • latency
  • Service Health Checks

  • 95+ plugins:

    • rate-limiting
    • security
    • authn
    • caching
    • transformations
    • Advanced Plugins are rewritten versions of the OSS plugins
    • types:
      • Free - essential security, Kong Manager
      • Plus - advanced security, OIDC
      • available through Kong Konnect SaaS
      • Enterprise - secrets management, Dev portal, Vitals (analytics), RBAC


Port Description
8080 Proxy HTTP
8443 Proxy HTTPS
8001 Admin API HTTP
8444 Admin API HTTPS
8002 Kong Manager HTTP
8445 Kong Manager HTTPS
8003 Kong Developer Portal HTTP
8446 Kong Developer Portal HTTPS




  • Konnect - SaaS managed control plane + self-managed data plane gateways
  • Hybrid - self-managed - gateway nodes are split into control plane + data plane nodes
    • only control plane nodes access DB
    • data plane nodes get configuration from control plane nodes
    • Admin API is on the control plane nodes
    • can have control plane control gateway data plane nodes across sites, like a self-managed Konnect
  • Traditional (Classic) - gateway + DB
  • DB-less - declarative configuration on each gateway - via DecK CLI yaml reconciliation or Kubernetes CRDs stored in etcd and loaded at pod boot time

Configuration options:

  • Kong Manager UI
  • Kong Admin API - Imperative - REST API calls
    • Declarative - /config admin API endpoint using YAML / JSON config file (DB-less mode)
  • /etc/kong/kong.conf (YAML) + KONG_ prefixed environment variables matching config file settings



  • OpenTelemetry
  • Zipkin
  • Jaeger
  • OpenTracing

Kong Enterprise

  • built on Kong Gateway (open source)

  • runs natively on Kubernetes - configure Kong Gateway the same way as Kubernetes with Kong Ingress Controller

  • single pane of glass

  • Secrets Management - references AWS Secrets Manager, GCP Secret Manager, Hashicorp Vault or environment variables

  • RBAC + teams

  • Workspaces - management grouping to assign RBAC against resource entities

  • OIDC (OpenID Connect)

  • OPA (Open Policy Agent) authz integration

  • OAuth 2.0

  • integrates with AWS Secrets Manager and Hashicorp Vault

  • Kong API Analytics

  • Dev Portal

  • Service Catalog

  • License checks in precedence:

    • KONG_LICENSE_DATA environment variable
    • /etc/kong/license.json
    • KONG_LICENSE_PATH environment variable
http -h POST localhost:8001/licenses payload=@/path/to/license.json

In hybrid deployments, applying the license to control plane using method 4 will result in distribution of the license from control plane to data plane.

Otherwise methods 1/2/3 should be used on each data plane node.

API Gateway Benefits

  • single point of entry (failure!)
  • combine multiple requests into one
  • transforming requests
  • cache common queries
  • distribute load across servers like an LB
  • authn + authz before accepting API requests
  • filter requests
  • management - billing, routing, rate limiting, monitoring, analytics, policies, alerts, security, service discovery


Validate configuration:

kong check

DB migration or Kong Gateway upgrades (takes you to Enterprise version though):

kong migrations

Performs non-destructive operations - no-downtime blue/green old and new deployments:

Run this from the newer version of Kong:

kong migrations up
  • Start the newer version of kong container
  • stop the old version of kong constainer
  • finalize
kong migrations finish
kong start  # nginx and other services
kong stop
kong restart
deck ping
http POST localhost:8001/services \
          name=mockbin_service \
http -f POST localhost:8001/services/mockbin_service/routes \
             name=mockbin_route \
deck dump --output-file gwopslabdump.yaml --workspace default
deck diff --state gwopslabdump.yaml
deck reset

See it's empty:

http -b localhost:8001/services

Restore config:

deck sync --state gwopslabdump.yaml
http GET localhost:8001/services
http GET localhost:8001/routes
http GET localhost:8000/mockbin

Diagram - Kong Kubernetes Ingress

HariSekhon/Kubernetes - kong/

Kong K8s Ingress

Ported from private Knowledge Base page 2023+

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