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options for phpStorm 2017.3.1 @noinspection annotation
| Inspection | Description |
| -- angularjs | |
| EmptyEventHandlerInspection | Empty Event Handler |
| -- coffeescript | |
| CoffeeScriptUnusedLocalSymbolsInspection | |
| CoffeeScriptSwitchStatementWithNoDefaultBranchInspection | |
| CoffeeScriptInfiniteLoopInspection | |
| CoffeeScriptSillyAssignmentInspection | |
| CoffeeScriptLiteralNotFunctionInspection | |
| CoffeeScriptFunctionSignaturesInspection | |
| CoffeeScriptArgumentsOutsideFunctionInspection | |
| -- css | |
| CssUnitlessNumberInspection | |
| CssFloatPxLengthInspection | |
| CssNoGenericFontNameInspection | |
| CssMissingCommaInspection | |
| CssRedundantUnitInspection | |
| CssMissingSemicolonInspection | |
| CssOverwrittenPropertiesInspection | |
| CssUnknownPropertyInspection | |
| CssUnresolvedCustomPropertyInspection | |
| CssUnresolvedCustomPropertySetInspection | |
| CssUnresolvedClassInspection | |
| CssInvalidPropertyValueInspection | |
| CssUnknownTargetInspection | |
| CssInvalidPseudoSelectorInspection | |
| CssInvalidCharsetRuleInspection | |
| CssInvalidHtmlTagReferenceInspection | |
| CssNegativeValueInspection | |
| CssInvalidElementInspection | |
| CssUnusedSymbolInspection | |
| CssInvalidImportInspection | |
| CssInvalidAtRuleInspection | |
| CssOptimizeSimilarPropertiesInspection | |
| CssConvertColorToRgbInspection | |
| CssConvertColorToHexInspection | |
| CssInvalidFunctionInspection | |
| CssInvalidMediaFeatureInspection | |
| -- database-mysql | |
| MysqlParsingInspection | |
| -- database-oracle | |
| SqlDeprecateTypeInspection | |
| -- database-postgres | |
| SqlPostgresqlSelectFromProcedureInspection | |
| -- database-sql | |
| SqlResolveInspection | |
| SqlTypeInspection | |
| SqlUnusedVariableInspection | |
| SqlIdentifierInspection | |
| SqlAmbiguousColumnInspection | |
| SqlInsertValuesInspection | |
| SqlDialectInspection | |
| SqlStorageInspection | |
| SqlNoDataSourceInspection | |
| SqlDerivedTableAliasInspection | |
| SqlShouldBeInGroupByInspection | |
| SqlConstantConditionInspection | |
| SqlAutoIncrementDuplicateInspection | |
| SqlDropIndexedColumnInspection | |
| SqlAddNotNullColumnInspection | |
| SqlCheckUsingColumnsInspection | |
| SqlNullComparisonInspection | |
| SqlSignatureInspection | |
| -- filewatcher | |
| TaskProblemsInspection | |
| -- gherkin | |
| CucumberStepInspection | |
| CucumberExamplesColonInspection | |
| CucumberMissedExamplesInspection | |
| CucumberTableInspection | Unused or missing columns in Cucumber tables |
| GherkinBrokenTableInspection | |
| GherkinMisplacedBackgroundInspection | |
| -- haml | |
| HamlNestedTagContentInspection | |
| -- html | |
| HtmlPresentationalElementInspection | |
| HtmlDeprecatedTagInspection | |
| HtmlFormInputWithoutLabelInspection | |
| CheckImageSizeInspection | |
| HtmlNonExistentInternetResourceInspection | |
| -- ini | |
| DuplicateSectionInspection | |
| DuplicateKeyInspection | |
| -- intellilang | |
| InjectedReferencesInspection | Injected References |
| -- javascript | |
| JSLintInspection | |
| JSHintInspection | |
| GjsLintInspection | |
| JscsInspection | |
| EslintInspection | |
| StandardJSInspection | |
| JSAnnotatorInspection | |
| JSUnresolvedVariableInspection | |
| JSUnresolvedFunctionInspection | |
| JSPotentiallyInvalidConstructorUsageInspection | |
| JSUnnecessarySemicolonInspection | |
| JSLastCommaInArrayLiteralInspection | |
| JSLastCommaInObjectLiteralInspection | |
| JSUndeclaredVariableInspection | |
| JSUnusedAssignmentInspection | |
| JSValidateTypesInspection | |
| JSCheckFunctionSignaturesInspection | |
| JSValidateJSDocInspection | |
| JSDuplicatedDeclarationInspection | |
| JSDeprecatedSymbolsInspection | |
| JSReferencingMutableVariableFromClosureInspection | |
| JSPotentiallyInvalidTargetOfIndexedPropertyAccess | |
| JSPotentiallyInvalidUsageOfThisInspection | |
| JSUnfilteredForInLoopInspection | |
| JSUnusedLocalSymbolsInspection | |
| ES6UnusedImportsInspection | |
| ES6MissingAwaitInspection | |
| JSXNamespaceValidationInspection | |
| ES6PossiblyAsyncFunctionInspection | |
| ES6ShorthandObjectPropertyInspection | |
| JSRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesInspection | |
| ES6BindWithArrowFunctionInspection | |
| ES6ConvertVarToLetConstInspection | |
| ES6ConvertRequireIntoImportInspection | |
| ES6ConvertModuleExportToExportInspection | |
| JSFunctionExpressionToArrowFunctionInspection | |
| JSStringConcatenationToES6TemplateInspection | |
| ES6ConvertToForOfInspection | |
| JSIgnoredPromiseFromCallInspection | |
| JSUnusedGlobalSymbolsInspection | |
| JSSuspiciousNameCombinationInspection | |
| JSUnresolvedLibraryURLInspection | |
| JSMismatchedCollectionQueryUpdateInspection | |
| JSBitwiseOperatorUsageInspection | |
| JSClosureCompilerSyntaxInspection | |
| JSUndefinedPropertyAssignmentInspection | |
| JSDeclarationsAtScopeStartInspection | |
| JSPrimitiveTypeWrapperUsageInspection | |
| JSComparisonWithNaNInspection | |
| JSJQueryEfficiencyInspection | |
| JSAccessibilityCheckInspection | |
| JSConstructorReturnsPrimitiveInspection | |
| JSCommentMatchesSignatureInspection | |
| JSConsecutiveCommasInArrayLiteralInspection | |
| DocumentWriteJSInspection | |
| InnerHTMLJSInspection | |
| PlatformDetectionJSInspection | |
| XHTMLIncompatabilitiesJSInspection | |
| LoopStatementThatDoesntLoopJSInspection | |
| InfiniteLoopJSInspection | |
| InfiniteRecursionJSInspection | |
| PointlessBooleanExpressionJSInspection | |
| PointlessArithmeticExpressionJSInspection | |
| NegatedIfStatementJSInspection | |
| NegatedConditionalExpressionJSInspection | |
| BreakStatementJSInspection | |
| BreakStatementWithLabelJSInspection | |
| ContinueStatementJSInspection | |
| ContinueStatementWithLabelJSInspection | |
| DefaultNotLastCaseInSwitchJSInspection | |
| UnnecessaryContinueJSInspection | |
| UnnecessaryReturnJSInspection | |
| UnnecessaryLabelOnBreakStatementJSInspection | |
| UnnecessaryLabelOnContinueStatementJSInspection | |
| LabeledStatementJSInspection | |
| SwitchStatementWithNoDefaultBranchJSInspection | |
| FallThroughInSwitchStatementJSInspection | |
| NestedSwitchStatementJSInspection | |
| DuplicateConditionJSInspection | |
| ConstantConditionalExpressionJSInspection | |
| ConstantIfStatementJSInspection | |
| ConditionalExpressionWithIdenticalBranchesJSInspection | |
| IfStatementWithIdenticalBranchesJSInspection | |
| IfStatementWithTooManyBranchesJSInspection | |
| TrivialIfJSInspection | |
| TrivialConditionalJSInspection | |
| UnnecessaryLabelJSInspection | |
| ForLoopThatDoesntUseLoopVariableJSInspection | |
| TailRecursionJSInspection | |
| ForLoopReplaceableByWhileJSInspection | |
| AssignmentResultUsedJSInspection | |
| NestedAssignmentJSInspection | |
| AssignmentToFunctionParameterJSInspection | |
| AssignmentToForLoopParameterJSInspection | |
| ReplaceAssignmentWithOperatorAssignmentJSInspection | |
| SillyAssignmentJSInspection | |
| TextLabelInSwitchStatementJSInspection | |
| NonShortCircuitBooleanExpressionJSInspection | |
| ObjectAllocationIgnoredJSInspection | |
| DivideByZeroJSInspection | |
| JSEqualityComparisonWithCoercionInspection | |
| JSEqualityComparisonWithCoercionInspection$TSInspection | |
| DebuggerStatementJSInspection | |
| BadExpressionStatementJSInspection | |
| DuplicateCaseLabelJSInspection | |
| UnreachableCodeJSInspection | |
| FunctionWithInconsistentReturnsJSInspection | |
| ThisExpressionReferencesGlobalObjectJSInspection | |
| ReservedWordUsedAsNameJSInspection | |
| StringLiteralBreaksHTMLJSInspection | |
| FunctionNamingConventionJSInspection | |
| JSClassNamingConventionInspection | |
| LocalVariableNamingConventionJSInspection | |
| ParameterNamingConventionJSInspection | |
| CallerJSInspection | |
| BlockStatementJSInspection | |
| ConditionalExpressionJSInspection | |
| CommaExpressionJSInspection | |
| NestedConditionalExpressionJSInspection | |
| IncrementDecrementResultUsedJSInspection | |
| WithStatementJSInspection | |
| VoidExpressionJSInspection | |
| OverlyComplexArithmeticExpressionJSInspection | |
| OverlyComplexBooleanExpressionJSInspection | |
| NestedFunctionJSInspection | |
| AnonymousFunctionJSInspection | |
| EmptyStatementBodyJSInspection | |
| OctalIntegerJSInspection | |
| ConfusingFloatingPointLiteralJSInspection | |
| ConfusingPlusesOrMinusesJSInspection | |
| DynamicallyGeneratedCodeJSInspection | |
| MagicNumberJSInspection | |
| EmptyCatchBlockJSInspection | |
| EmptyTryBlockJSInspection | |
| EmptyFinallyBlockJSInspection | |
| ReturnFromFinallyBlockJSInspection | |
| ThrowFromFinallyBlockJSInspection | |
| ContinueOrBreakFromFinallyBlockJSInspection | |
| ExceptionCaughtLocallyJSInspection | |
| UnusedCatchParameterJSInspection | |
| ConstantOnLHSOfComparisonJSInspection | |
| ChainedEqualityJSInspection | |
| ChainedFunctionCallJSInspection | |
| NestedFunctionCallJSInspection | |
| ConstantOnRHSOfComparisonJSInspection | |
| UnterminatedStatementJSInspection | |
| NonBlockStatementBodyJSInspection | |
| NestingDepthJSInspection | |
| ThreeNegationsPerFunctionJSInspection | |
| FunctionWithMultipleLoopsJSInspection | |
| FunctionWithMultipleReturnPointsJSInspection | |
| CyclomaticComplexityJSInspection | |
| ParametersPerFunctionJSInspection | |
| StatementsPerFunctionJSInspection | |
| UnnecessaryLocalVariableJSInspection | |
| ReuseOfLocalVariableJSInspection | |
| PointlessBitwiseExpressionJSInspection | |
| ShiftOutOfRangeJSInspection | |
| IncompatibleMaskJSInspection | |
| JSMethodCanBeStaticInspection | |
| JSFileReferencesInspection | |
| JSTypeOfValuesInspection | |
| AmdModulesDependenciesInspection | Missing AMD module dependency |
| ES6ModulesDependenciesInspection | Missing import statement |
| JSNonASCIINamesInspection | |
| JSReferencingArgumentsOutsideOfFunctionInspection | |
| NpmUsedModulesInstalledInspection | Missing module dependency |
| JSUnresolvedExtXTypeInspection | |
| JSNonStrictModeUsedInspection | |
| TypeScriptValidateTypesInspection | |
| TypeScriptValidateJSTypesInspection | |
| TypeScriptUnresolvedVariableInspection | |
| TypeScriptCheckImportInspection | |
| ES6CheckImportInspection | |
| TypeScriptUnresolvedFunctionInspection | |
| TypeScriptAccessibilityCheckInspection | |
| TypeScriptPreferShortImportInspection | |
| TypeScriptUMDGlobalInspection | |
| TypeScriptMissingAugmentationImportInspection | |
| TypescriptExplicitMemberTypeInspection | |
| FlowJSErrorInspection | |
| FlowJSConfigInspection | |
| FlowJSCoverageInspection | |
| FlowJSFlagCommentPlacementInspection | |
| WebpackConfigHighlightingInspection | |
| -- joomla | |
| MissingSinceTagDocInspection | Missing @since tag(s) |
| FileHeaderInspection | Missing @copyright/@license tag file |
| -- less | |
| LessUnresolvedVariableInspection | |
| LessUnresolvedMixinInspection | |
| LessResolvedByNameOnlyInspection | |
| -- markdown | |
| MarkdownUnresolvedFileReferenceInspection | |
| -- nodejs | |
| NodeJsCodingAssistanceForCoreModulesInspection | Coding assistance for Node.js core modules |
| NodeModulesDependenciesInspection | Missing require() statement |
| -- phing | |
| PhingDomInspection | |
| -- php-blade | |
| BladeControlDirectivesInspection | |
| -- php | |
| PhpUndefinedGotoLabelInspection | Undefined goto label |
| PhpUndefinedVariableInspection | Undefined variable |
| PhpUndefinedMethodInspection | Undefined method |
| PhpUndefinedNamespaceInspection | Undefined namespace |
| PhpUndefinedClassInspection | Undefined class |
| PhpUndefinedFunctionInspection | Undefined function |
| PhpUndefinedCallbackInspection | Undefined callback |
| PhpUnitUndefinedDataProviderInspection | Undefined PHPUnit data provider |
| PhpDynamicAsStaticMethodCallInspection | Dynamic method called as static |
| PhpStaticAsDynamicMethodCallInspection | Static method called as dynamic |
| PhpAbstractStaticMethodInspection | Static function should not be abstract |
| PhpSignatureMismatchDuringInheritanceInspection | Declaration of overridden method should be compatible with parent class |
| PhpSuperClassIncompatibleWithInterfaceInspection | Method declaration of super class is incompatible with implemented interface |
| PhpHierarchyChecksInspection | |
| PhpUndefinedClassConstantInspection | Undefined class constant |
| PhpMissingParentConstructorInspection | Missing parent call for constructor |
| PhpMissingParentCallCommonInspection | Missing parent call for method |
| PhpMissingParentCallMagicInspection | Missing parent call for magic methods |
| PhpStatementHasEmptyBodyInspection | Statement has empty body |
| PhpUndefinedFieldInspection | Undefined field |
| PhpUndefinedConstantInspection | Undefined constant |
| PhpIncludeInspection | Unresolved include |
| PhpParamsInspection | Parameter type |
| PhpPassByRefInspection | Pass parameter by reference |
| PhpGotoIntoLoopInspection | Goto into loop statement |
| PhpUnusedPrivateMethodInspection | Unused private method |
| PhpUnusedPrivateFieldInspection | Unused private field |
| PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection | Unused local variable |
| PhpUnusedAliasInspection | Unused import |
| PhpLanguageLevelInspection | Language Level |
| PhpUnreachableStatementInspection | |
| PhpDeprecationInspection | Deprecated |
| PhpInternalEntityUsedInspection | Usage of internal entity |
| PhpToStringReturnInspection | Method __toString return type |
| PhpToStringImplementationInspection | Method __toString implementation |
| PhpNonCompoundUseInspection | Unnecessary statement use |
| PhpConstantReassignmentInspection | Constant reassignment |
| PhpWrongStringConcatenationInspection | Wrong string concatenation |
| PhpWrongCatchClausesOrderInspection | Wrong catch clauses order |
| PhpAssignmentInConditionInspection | Assignment in condition |
| PhpDivisionByZeroInspection | Division by zero |
| PhpWrongForeachArgumentTypeInspection | Invalid argument supplied for foreach() |
| PhpUnusedParameterInspection | Unused parameter |
| PhpMissingDocCommentInspection | Missing PHPDoc comment |
| PhpSillyAssignmentInspection | Silly assignment |
| PhpIllegalArrayKeyTypeInspection | Illegal array key type |
| PhpIllegalStringOffsetInspection | Illegal string offset |
| PhpDocSignatureInspection | PHPDoc comment matches function/method signature |
| PhpDocMissingThrowsInspection | Missing @throws tag(s) |
| PhpDocRedundantThrowsInspection | Redundant @throws tag(s) |
| PhpDocMissingReturnTagInspection | Missing @return tag |
| PhpInconsistentReturnPointsInspection | Inconsistent return points |
| PhpMethodParametersCountMismatchInspection | Parameters number mismatch declaration |
| PhpTooManyParametersInspection | Too many parameters in function declaration |
| PhpRedundantClosingTagInspection | Redundant closing tag |
| PhpVoidFunctionResultUsedInspection | Void function result used |
| PhpExpressionResultUnusedInspection | Expression result unused |
| PhpMethodOrClassCallIsNotCaseSensitiveInspection | Case mismatch in method call or class usage |
| PhpClassNamingConventionInspection | Class name is not following coding convention |
| PhpFunctionNamingConventionInspection | Function name is not following coding convention |
| PhpMethodNamingConventionInspection | Method name is not following coding convention |
| PhpPropertyNamingConventionInspection | Property name is not following coding convention |
| PhpVariableNamingConventionInspection | Variable name is not following coding convention |
| PhpConstantNamingConventionInspection | Constant name is not following coding convention |
| PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection | Missing 'break' statement |
| PhpForeachNestedOuterKeyValueVariablesConflictInspection | Nested vs outer 'foreach' variables conflict |
| PhpForeachArrayIsUsedAsValueInspection | Foreach array is used as value |
| PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection | Usage of a silence operator |
| PhpCSValidationInspection | PHP Code Sniffer validation |
| MessDetectorValidationInspection | PHP Mess Detector validation |
| PhpDuplicateArrayKeysInspection | |
| PhpUnnecessaryFullyQualifiedNameInspection | Unnecessary fully qualified name |
| PhpDuplicateCaseInspection | Duplicate case in switch statement |
| PhpNonStrictObjectEqualityInspection | Non-strict object equality |
| PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection | Unhandled exception |
| PhpRedundantCatchClauseInspection | Redundant catch clause |
| PhpMultipleClassesDeclarationsInOneFile | Multiple classes declarations in one file |
| PhpIllegalPsrClassPathInspection | Class path doesn't match project structure |
| PhpTraditionalSyntaxArrayLiteralInspection | Traditional syntax array literal detected |
| PhpVariableVariableInspection | Usage of a variable variable |
| PhpStrictTypeCheckingInspection | Strict type checking rules violation |
| PhpIncompatibleReturnTypeInspection | Incompatible return type |
| PhpMissingStrictTypesDeclarationInspection | Missing strict types declaration |
| PhpInvalidMagicMethodModifiersInspection | Invalid magic method modifiers |
| PhpAssignmentReplaceableWithOperatorAssignmentInspection | Assignment replaceable with operator assignment |
| PhpAssignmentReplaceableWithPrefixExpressionInspection | Assignment replaceable with increment or decrement |
| PhpConstructorStyleInspection | Old style constructor |
| PhpShortOpenTagInspection | Short open tag usage |
| PhpDisabledExtensionStubsInspection | Disabled extension stubs |
| -- sass | |
| SassScssUnresolvedMixinInspection | |
| SassScssUnresolvedPlaceholderSelectorInspection | |
| SassScssUnresolvedVariableInspection | |
| SassScssResolvedByNameOnlyInspection | |
| -- tslint | |
| TsLintInspection | |
| -- vuejs | |
| DataFunctionInspection | Data Function |
| DuplicateTagInspection | Duplicate template/script tag |
| -- xpath | |
| CheckNodeTest | Check Node Test |
| ImplicitTypeConversion | Implicit Type Conversion |
| RedundantTypeConversion | Redundant Type Conversion |
| IndexZeroPredicate | Use of index 0 in XPath predicates |
| HardwiredNamespacePrefix | Hardwired Namespace Prefix |
| UnusedElementInspection | Unused Variable/Parameter |
| TemplateInvocationInspection | Template Invocation Problems |
| XsltDeclarationInspection | Declaration Problems |
| VariableShadowingInspection | Variable Shadowing |
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