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Created August 2, 2019 20:37
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(ns run-length-encoding)
;; Combinators
(defn matches [predicate]
(fn [input]
(if (not (empty? input))
(let [[head & tail] input]
(if (predicate head) [head (apply str tail)])))))
(defn mmap [func parser]
(fn [input]
(if-let [[result parse-rest] (parser input)] [(func result) parse-rest])))
(defn alts [& parsers]
(fn [input]
(some #(% input) parsers)))
(defn combine [p q]
(fn [input]
(if-let [[result newi] (p input)]
(let [[res2 newi2] (q newi)]
[[result res2] newi2]))))
(defn all [& parsers]
(reduce combine parsers))
(defn many [parser]
(fn [input]
(loop [results []
current-input input]
(if-let [[res newi] (parser current-input)]
(recur (conj results res) newi)
[results current-input]))))
(defn many1 [parser]
(mmap flatten (all parser (many parser))))
(defn mchar [ch]
(matches (partial = ch)))
(defn runp [parser]
"Returns a function that runs a given parser
over some input and return the joined result."
(fn [input]
(->> input (parser) (first) (apply str))))
;; Predicates
(defn digit? [ch]
(Character/isDigit ^Character ch))
(defn letter? [ch]
(Character/isLetter ^Character ch))
(defn whitespace? [ch]
(Character/isWhitespace ^Character ch))
;; Tokens
(def whitespace (matches whitespace?))
(def letter (matches letter?))
(def digit (matches digit?))
(def any (matches (fn [& _args] (identity true))))
;; Run-length tokens
(def consecutives
(fn [[headi & resti]]
((mmap (partial cons headi) (many1 (mchar headi))) resti)))
(def conscount
(mmap #(str (count %) (first %)) consecutives))
(def expandable (all (many1 digit) any))
(def expansion
(fn [c ch]
(apply str (repeat (Integer/parseInt (apply str c)) ch))))
;; Decoding and Encoding functions
(def run-length-encode
(runp (many1 (alts conscount letter whitespace))))
(def run-length-decode
(runp (many1 (alts (mmap (partial apply expansion) expandable)
(run-length-encode "jjAaames") ; -> "2jA2ames"
(run-length-decode "2j3ames") ; -> "jjaaames"
(->> "jeff"
(run-length-decode)) ; -> "jeff"
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