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Created February 5, 2024 06:06
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{"text": "So today was a pretty normal day. I gotta keep more productive when I code becasue its hard to just spend hte entire day code reviewing and spending the time coding stuff up. I truly didn't get much done today with the lists feature except for a very bare bone basics of it, and even then Alan seems to have generated some other way of doing it.\n\nI left early from work, not sure what to do about that. I really gotta stop drinking my sodas and drinks and just stick with carrots and water from now on! Resist Rohan Resist!\n\nGame night was ok, glad when the annoying people left who were just really bothersome the entire time (the annoying blonde girl and such). I think I did ok, my usual awkward self when I tell stories I'm just not good at them. I need to be able to tell a story in words and in person with full confidence and without stopping in anyway. Gotta think of the better way to do it.\n\nOverall though it seems that I am not ANNOYING to the point where people don't like hanging out with me and such. I just don't do well with hitting on and being with girls. Andrew seems to be super pro. I'm also significantly younger than everyone else, I wonder why? Is it just because younger people have more bars and parties to go to? Is that all it is? Am I just really weird when I go to these meetups and stuff because i'm younger?"}
{"text": "So Thursday was an ok day. I went to that Karoake party and I had a good time enjoying myself drinking Karoake. I think I lack some innate talent to make small talk that leads to a conversation. I should just try initiating small talk about what people do in their spare time. Blah blah blah. Who knows."}
{"text": "So Friday morning was the usual day of work and play with two of the interns leaving so I got a ton of cookies (yay!). Ostrowiki left unfortunately and Sumeet has joined us this first week.\n\nI remember a particular interesting conversation where I killed the conversation by talking about the opentable incident. I have to recognize what's a story and what's not a story. I should just limit to the fact that the code that broke my stuff was actually a p0 somebody introduced.\n\nSo the main decision today was the fact that I decided to go to the LAN game party instead of the regular party. So I definitely had fun at the LAN party and it was an enjoyable experience overall. Got to play some neat HoN and tried to do what I can do. I realized also that I haven't been drunk or intoxicated in a while and I should probably get around to doing that by drinking heavily and then maintaining my level of drink throughout the night rather than being careful and trying to limit my shots.\n\nI wonder if going to that party would have been better and trying to meet new people and talking to strangers. Honestly though I'm just crap at meeting new people and trying to think of meeting friends at parties is just hard.\n\nTags: Rohan Tags: CSUA"}
{"text": "I spent most of my day asleep since the LAN party yesterday.\n\nI did talk to Sam today and tried to show her that I was interested in Melissa but I stupidly said I wasn't going to try for her so I won't get Sam's support or even her asking me about that. I guess that was a bad decision but honestly asking Melissa out is probably a really bad idea since she has no interest in me. Honestly, I don't know anybody who does has an interest in me other than Little Chris.\n\nI really need to work on my body and getting a change of clothing so I dress better and nicer when I go to work and stuff. I guess I spend most of my day just watching TV and stuff so its pretty boring and I should do something productive with the time.\n\nThe list of things that I want to do: Make my iPhone app, learn the guitar, and start reading instead of watching things. I guess after I'm done with the season four of Futurama I should just try to relax doing other things or watching something productive or what. Not sure what I should do but I shouldn't waste time watching stuff that I don't want to do."}
{"text": "So I was talking with Charles today because he was here last night. We really don't have much to talk about except our experiences and stuff. His stories were a lot better, I gotta work on the stuff I'm talking about. Overall though it was good to see him, don't really talk about sex life as much though. It was cool though meeting him.\n\nSo I went to the They Might be Giants Concert. Tried to talk up some girl but failed miserably at continuing the conversation and wasn't very good at doing it. I should work on pick up lines and the such to start conversation with the girl. She was really cute and i should have tried to talk with her about stuff, and done it earlier, as soon as I saw her instead of trying to wait around and talk to her afterwards. I probably shouldn't have left the concert as I was trying to \"recover time\" but honestly I could have spent the time at the concert and had fun with Michael and Jim but oh well. I should try to do what I can to meet new people and such.\n\nGeorge Deglin's thing was cool. I had a lot of fun there, talked about some programming stuff. Met some new people, the guy talking about girls talks about girls way too much and brought it up too often. Seems very awkward and probably not very good at what he does I guess. I think I did ok there though a lot of people were making me defend Yelp and its very awkward because honestly I don't like the place that much and don't think they have much of a future. Facebook and Google are hot on the heels of Yelp and have a much larger and more expansive market than Yelp, so who knows what's going to happen with that.\n\nI'm apparently going to be attempted to be recruited for a while I guess since the Causes guys was trying to recruit me. We'll see what happens on the whole recruiting and changing companies thing. I might want to ask Yelp about a raise and getting some more money, especially with the whole stock thing fucking me over. I want to talk to Neil about it and make sure that Wing knows i'm not happy about the stock thing. They'll save me money but I'll super badmouth everyone about the company if they do fire me earlier. Hopefully that works out.\n\nTags: Career Tags: Going Out Tags: Yelp"}
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