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Created July 7, 2015 21:55
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Code Statistics for project
import os
import sys
import codecs
ignored_dirs = [
'node_modules', 'bower_components', 'typings',
'bin', 'obj', 'Debug', 'Release',
'webview', 'html5', 'checkbox', 'jenkins', 'resources',
'Legacy', 'Old', 'PDFViewCtrlTools']
supported_exts = [
['.py', 'Python'], ['.php', 'PHP'], ['.pl', 'Perl'],
['.java', 'Java'], ['.m', 'Objective C'], ['.cs', 'C#'],
['.c', 'C'], ['.cpp', 'C++'], ['.asm', 'Assebmbler'],
['.js', 'Javascript', ['.ts', '.coffee']], ['.ts', 'Typescript'],
['.html', 'HTML'], ['.jade', 'Jade'], ['.coffee', 'Coffeescript'],
['.xml', 'Xml'], ['.json', 'Json'], ['.css', 'CSS'], ['.scss', 'SCSS']]
exts = supported_exts
def main():
opts = set_arg_options()
files = collect_files(opts['directory'])
all_types = group_by_type(files)
file_counts = [len(x[1]) for x in all_types]
line_counts = [sum([u[2] for u in x[1]]) for x in all_types]
ext_names = [get_ext_name(x[0]) for x in all_types]
if '-v' in sys.argv:
for t in all_types:
print_file_list(t[1], get_ext_name(t[0]))
print_comparison(file_counts, ext_names, 'File Stats')
print_comparison(line_counts, ext_names, 'LineStats')
def set_arg_options():
global exts
global ignored_dirs
directory = '/Users/halicea/projects/Mediawire'
for k in sys.argv[1:]:
if not k.startswith('-'):
directory = k
ignored_exts = get_arg_list('ie')
ignored_dirs = get_arg_list('i')
extensions = get_arg_list('ext')
print extensions
if extensions:
exts = [x for x in supported_exts if x[0] in extensions]
elif ignored_exts:
exts = [x for x in supported_exts if x[0] not in ignored_exts]
return {
'directory': directory,
'ignored_exts': ignored_exts,
'ignored_dirs': ignored_dirs,
'extensions': extensions
def get_arg_list(ext):
xext = '-'+ext
result = []
if xext in sys.argv:
index = sys.argv.index(xext) + 1
arg = sys.argv[index]
while arg and (not arg.startswith('-')):
index += 1
if index >= len(sys.argv):
arg = sys.argv[index]
return result
def collect_files(directory):
source_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
if not is_ignored(root):
for source_file in files:
f = os.path.join(root, source_file)
rel_path = f[len(directory)+1:]
if not is_ignored(f) and is_efull(f):
src_data = [rel_path, get_ext(f), 0]
o =, 'r', 'utf-8').readlines()
src_data[2] = len(o)
print 'Cant open file:', rel_path
return source_files
def group_by_type(files):
all_types = []
for ext in exts:
twithext = [x for x in files if x[1] == ext[0]]
if len(twithext) > 0:
type_stat = [ext[0], twithext]
return all_types
def print_file_list(l, title):
print '\n'+'#'*30
print title
print '#'*30
current_base = None
total_lines = 0
for tup in l:
f = tup[0]
lines = tup[2]
total_lines += lines
dir_name = os.path.dirname(f)
dept = len(dir_name.split(os.path.sep))
if dir_name != current_base:
current_base = dir_name
if not dir_name:
print 'Root'
print dir_name
print ' '*(dept+1)+f[len(dir_name)+(dir_name and 1 or 0):]
def print_comparison(counts, names, title):
total = sum(counts)
percents = [(float(x) / total) * 100 for x in counts]
print '\n'+'#'*30
print title
print '#'*30
for i in range(0, len(counts)):
print names[i]+'#:', counts[i]
print 'Total:', total
for i in range(0, len(counts)):
print names[i]+'#:', str(percents[i])[:5]+'%'
def is_efull(f):
found = False
for ext in exts:
if f.endswith(ext[0]):
found = True
if len(ext) > 2:
for pext in ext[2]:
if has_ext(pext, f):
found = False
return found
def get_ext_name(ext):
found_ext = [x[1] for x in exts if x[0] == ext]
if found_ext:
return found_ext[0]
def has_ext(ext, f):
ind = len(f)
if '.' in f:
ind = f.rindex('.')
name = f[:ind]
return os.path.exists(name+ext)
def get_ext(f):
if '.' in f:
ind = f.rindex('.')
return f[ind:]
return ''
def is_ignored(p):
for m in ignored_dirs:
if m in p.split(os.path.sep):
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
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