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Hadrien G. HadrienG2

What could possibly go wrong?
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About variadics in Rust

This is an analysis of how variadic generics could be added to Rust. It's not a proposal so much as a summary of existing work, and a toolbox for creating an eventual proposal.


Variadic generics (aka variadic templates, or variadic tuples), are an often-requested feature that would enable traits, functions and data structures to be generic over a variable number of types.

To give a quick example, a Rust function with variadic generics might look like this:

Phaiax /
Last active July 17, 2023 10:56
Blog article: How does async work in async-std?

How does async work in async-std?

(Phaiax - 2019/12/1 - CC_BY_SA 4.0)

Lately I was porting a software from tokio/futures-1.0 to async-await. I somehow thought async-std was the successor of tokio and ported everything to async-std. 80% in, I noticed that my hyper dependency requires tokio and that it's not possible to replace tokio with async-std without also replacing hyper. Also, tokio and async-std try to solve the same problem. So I started a journey into the inners of the rust async story to find out if it is possible to use both tokio and async-std at the same time. (tl;dr: it is). I had heard of reactors and executors before, but there was much new stuff to discover.

raphlinus /
Last active November 6, 2019 21:35
Thoughts on why Rust/WinRT is so important

Kenny Kerr posted My Rust adventure begins this morning, and I tweeted "This seems like a pretty big deal - Rust is uniquely able to bridge the gap between performant systems programming and the safe, high level abstractions needed to build applications." This was a strong statement, and sparked a little discussion, so I'd like to clarify a bit.

The main controversy was about whether Rust is truly unique in this regard, or whether other languages can possibly satisfy the requirement of being a solid foundation for operating systems while also avoiding the pitfalls of C and C++. I argue that this role requires a language to be suitable for a very wide range of problem domains. Latency-critical applications such as pro audio are a fairly minor niche, and the vast majority of things people do at computers don't require that kind of low-level control, but if supporting, say, pro audio is one of the requirements

Announcing cargo-udeps

One of the biggest issues that most people have with Rust are the long compile times. One of the reasons why compile times are so long is because many projects use quite a few dependencies from Your dependencies have dependencies of their own, and they in turn have dependencies as well, and so on. This results in really big graphs of crates that all have to be compiled by cargo. Sometimes however, a crate actually doesn't use anything of some of its dependencies. Then those dependencies can be removed, resulting in faster builds for that crate. But how do you detect them? Often they sit in Cargo.toml for a long time until someone discovers they are actually unused and removes them (example). This is where cargo-udeps comes in. cargo-udeps is an automated tool to find dependencies that were specified in Cargo.toml but never used in the cra

Matthias247 /
Created May 28, 2019 06:09
Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax - Cancellation

Async/Await - The challenges besides syntax - Cancellation

This is the second article in a series of articles around Rusts new async/await feature. The first article about interfaces can be found here.

In this part of the series we want to a look at a mechanism which behaves very different in Rust than in all other languages which feature async/await support. This mechanism is Cancellation.

why doesn't radfft support AVX on PC?

So there's two separate issues here: using instructions added in AVX and using 256-bit wide vectors. The former turns out to be much easier than the latter for our use case.

Problem number 1 was that you positively need to put AVX code in a separate file with different compiler settings (/arch:AVX for VC++, -mavx for GCC/Clang) that make all SSE code emitted also use VEX encoding, and at the time radfft was written there was no way in CDep to set compiler flags for just one file, just for the overall build.

[There's the GCC "target" annotations on individual funcs, which in principle fix this, but I ran into nasty problems with this for several compiler versions, and VC++ has no equivalent, so we're not currently using that and just sticking with different compilation units.]

The other issue is to do with CPU power management.

csherratt /
Last active August 15, 2024 15:17
Flora's Rust UI ramblings

Rust UI Difficulties

I wanted to give a little bit of a discussion on all my thinking about why UI's are a tricky to get right in Rust. I want to try and differentiate this discussion because there are a number of decent UI frameworks that have been bound to Rust. This is great! I do not want to discourage any of their work, they are wonderful members of our community.

What this is about is how it would be possible to write a good UI framework