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Last active April 16, 2019 17:05
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Some bugs here I don't know why
//Get performance trend [=>Not getting desired result yet.]
public function get_performance_trend(){
global $DB;
//Query for all enrolled course first
$sql = "select as id, c.shortname,c.category from {course} c
inner join {enrol} e on e.courseid =
inner join {user_enrolments} u on
where u.userid=15"; //total is 6
$courses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
$i = 0;
$data = array();
$sql = 'select id, name from {course_categories} where parent=0';
$primaryLevels = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
foreach($primaryLevels as $category){
$sumperformance = 0;
$avgperformance = 0;
$pcount = 0;
print('category '.$category->id."\n");
//every course avg grade
foreach ($courses as $course){
$flc = 0;
//check which category the course belong (Primary 1-6)
$flc = $this->checkFirstLevelCategory($course->category);
//print the course we are dealing with
print('Course with category '.$flc);
if($category->id == $flc){
print("\n".'Category test passed'."\n");
//get user grade of this quiz
// print(' courseid '.$course->id);
$sql ="select id from {quiz} where course=".$course->id;
$coursequizs = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
//there will be many quizs of the course.
foreach ($coursequizs as $coursequiz){
//select avg(sumgrades)... won't work cuz sumgrades has NULL value
$sqlcoursequizgrade ="select sumgrades from {quiz_attempts} where quiz=".$coursequiz->id." and userid=15 order by timemodified desc limit 1";
$grade = $DB->get_records_sql($sqlcoursequizgrade);
// print_r($grade);
foreach($grade as $grade){
}//foreach grade
}//foreach quiz
// $data[] = array('course'=>$course->shortname, 'grade'=> (float)$avggrade);
$sumperformance += $avggrade;
// print('Sum performance '.$sumperformance);
}//end if
}//foreach course
if($pcount != 0){ //validate to avoid infinity error
print('pcount '.$pcount);
$avgperformance = $sumperformance/$pcount;
//save into the array
$data[] = array('form'=>$category->name, 'performance'=>$avgperformance);
}//foreach category
print('Loopcount '.$i);
$data[0] = array('form'=>"NoRecord", 'performance'=> (float)0);
return $this->generate_chart(json_encode($data));//convert to json object
}//end get_performance_trend
//utility function for performance trend
public function checkFirstLevelCategory($cid){
global $DB;
$sql = 'select parent from {course_categories} where id='.$cid;
$parent = $DB->get_record_sql($sql);
if($parent->parent != 0){
print("\n".'cFLC() returns '.$cid);
return $cid;
}//end getFirstLevelCategory
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I don't know why $flc is not storing the value returned from checkFirstLevelCategory()

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To correctly implemented the recursion, the line 88 should probably read

return $this->checkFirstLevelCategory(($parent->parent));

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mudrd8mz commented Apr 16, 2019

why $flc is not storing the value returned

Because the method does not return the value on line 88.

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