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Last active August 23, 2018 01:19
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Node.js AES file encryption with authentication promise
'use strict'
* AES file encryption with authentication (using Promises)
* (C) Habib Rehman 2016
const encrypt = function (origpath, destpath, key) {
// decrypts any arbitrary data passed with the pass
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
// readstream to read the (unencrypted) file
const origin = fs.createReadStream(origpath)
// writestream to write (encrypted) file
const dest = fs.createWriteStream(destpath)
// generate a cryptographically secure random iv
const iv = scrypto.randomBytes(defaults.ivLength)
// create the AES-256-GCM cipher with iv and derive encryption key
const cipher = scrypto.createCipheriv(defaults.algorithm, key, iv)
// Read file, apply tranformation (encryption) to stream and
// then write stream to filesystem
// readstream error handler
origin.on('error', (err) => {
// reject on readstream error
// cipher error handler
cipher.on('error', (err) => {
// reject on cipher error
// writestream error handler
dest.on('error', (err) => {
// reject on writestream
// writestream finish handler
dest.on('finish', () => {
// get the generated Message Authentication Code
const tag = cipher.getAuthTag()
// return all the credentials used for encryption
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