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Created November 3, 2019 22:28
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# g_base64.tcl - Base64 encoding/decoding routines
# (c) 2013 Mantas Mikulėnas <>
# Released under the MIT Expat License.
if {![catch {package require Tcl 8.6}]} {
proc b64:encode {input} {
binary encode base64 $input
proc b64:decode {input} {
binary decode base64 $input
} elseif {![catch {package require base64}]} {
proc b64:encode {input} {
::base64::encode -wrapchar "" $input
proc b64:decode {input} {
::base64::decode $input
} else {
set b64map {A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + / =}
proc b64:encode {input} {
global b64map
set str {}
set pad 0
binary scan $input c* X
foreach {x y z} $X {
if {$y == {}} {set y 0; incr pad}
if {$z == {}} {set z 0; incr pad}
set n [expr {($x << 16) | ($y << 8) | $z}]
set a [expr {($n >> 18) & 63}]
set b [expr {($n >> 12) & 63}]
set c [expr {($n >> 6) & 63}]
set d [expr {$n & 63}]
append str \
[lindex $b64map $a] \
[lindex $b64map $b] \
[lindex $b64map [expr {$pad >= 2 ? 64 : $c}]] \
[lindex $b64map [expr {$pad >= 1 ? 64 : $d}]]
return $str
proc b64:decode {input} {
set str {}
set pos 0
set pad 0
set n 0
binary scan $input c* X
foreach x $X {
if {$x >= 65 && $x <= 90} { set x [expr {$x - 65}] }\
elseif {$x >= 97 && $x <= 122} { set x [expr {$x - 71}] }\
elseif {$x >= 48 && $x <= 57} { set x [expr {$x + 4}] }\
elseif {$x == 61} { set x 0; incr pad }\
else { continue }
set o [expr {18 - 6 * ($pos % 4)}]
set n [expr {$n | ($x << $o)}]
if {$o == 0} {
set a [expr {($n >> 16) & 255}]
set b [expr {($n >> 8) & 255}]
set c [expr {$n & 255}]
set n 0
if {$pad == 2} {
append str [binary format c $a]
} elseif {$pad == 1} {
append str [binary format cc $a $b]
} else {
append str [binary format ccc $a $b $c]
incr pos
return $str
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