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Last active April 16, 2024 02:29
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Writing an ELF file manually
# This file `obj.txt` is a hexdump with comments to manually build an ELF file.
# Lines starting with '#' are comments.
# The rest is read as per `xxd -r -p` (see `man xxd`)
# You can build the binary executable `obj.elf` using the command:
# ```bash
# <obj.txt grep -v '^#' | xxd -r -p >obj.elf
# ```
# You can then use chmod to make `obj.elf` executable.
# ==================
# ==================
# An ELF file starts with a "header".
# It is 64 bytes long for a 64-bit executable.
# Note that the fact that it's twice 64 here is a coincidence really.
# First we start with the "ELF" magic numbers (in ASCII encoding).
# This is handled by Linux's `execve` which will try different handlers (including ELF).
# See
7f 45 4c 46
# Next byte signals that it is a 64-bit executable, meaning that addresses in memory are 64 bits long (= 8 bytes).
# It would be set to 0x1 for 32-bits.
# Next byte sets endianness, 0x1 means little endian (0x2 would mean big endian).
# Next byte sets version of ELF, currently still 0x1.
# Next byte sets the OS ABI this executable targets.
# The mapping is a convention. Wikipedia says it should be 0x3,
# but this says it should be 0.
# Looking at various binaries, it seems that although Linux should be 0x3, most use 0x0. Probably: we don't care.
# Next byte sets the OS ABI version.
# Since we use the Linux OS, it is treated as the feature level requested for the dynamic linker.
# Next 7 bytes are for padding. Linux docs says to set to all seven bytes to 0x0 as it is not used.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 2 bytes set the object type, 0x2 means executable.
# WARNING: this is where endianness becomes important.
# The value is stored in 2 bytes, but the least significant portion (byte) is stored first.
# Hence we don't write on file "0 2" (in binary "00000000 00000010") but "2 0" (in binary "00000010 00000000").
02 00
# Next 2 bytes set the target instruction set architecture, in my case 0x3e "AMD x86-64" for 64-bit x86.
3e 00
# Next 4 bytes set the object file version. It just needs to be at least 1.
01 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes (64 bits) is the address of the entry point.
# It depends how we load segments into memory.
# In our case, we'll load everything at 0x400000.
# The program is right after the header and header table so the offset is
# header_size + n_headers * header_table_entry_size = 64 + 1 * 56 = 120 = 0x78
78 00 40 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the offset to the "program header table".
# Since the program header table follows the header, this equals the header's length (64 for 64 bits)
40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the offset to the "section header table".
# Usually `size of header` + `size of program header table`
# 0 means there is none.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 4 bytes set the flags. Linux docs says "currently, no flags have been defined", so we set them all to 0.
00 00 00 00
# Next 2 bytes is the size of this header, 64 for 64 bits.
40 00
# Next 2 bytes is the size of an entry in the program header table, 56 for 64 bits.
38 00
# Next 2 bytes is the number of entries in the program header table.
01 00
# Next 2 bytes is the size of a section header table entry, 64 for 64 bits.
40 00
# Next 2 bytes is the number of entries in the section header table.
00 00
# Next 2 bytes is the index of the section header table entry that contains the section names.
00 00
# =======================
# =======================
# We require at least a LOAD entry to load the program into memory.
# Next 4 bytes is the type of the segment, PT_LOAD (=1).
01 00 00 00
# Next 4 bytes is the flags of the segment.
# It is a bit mask, meaning each bit activates a specific mode.
# Commonly the code has PF_R = 0b0100 and PF_X = 0b0001, meaning 0b0101 = 0x05.
05 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the offset in the file where the segment starts.
# In our case we load all.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the virtual address where the segment is loaded.
# Usually the program segments are loaded starting at 0x400000.
# It's the only segment we load so we push it directly
00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the physical address where the segment is loaded on systems for which physical addressing is relevant.
# In 64-bit mode we don't care because there is no physical adressing.
# By convention it should be the same as the virtual address.
00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the number of bytes in the file image of the segment.
# header_size + n_headers * header_table_entry_size + code_size = 64 + 1 * 56 + 7 = 127 = 0x7F.
7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the number of bytes in the memory image of the segment.
7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
# Next 8 bytes is the alignment of the segment.
# 0x1000 seems like a popular choice.
00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00
# =======
# =======
# Binary instructions for x86-64 architecture.
# This is a simple program that exits with code 42.
# ASM: mov al, 60
# instruction (Intel manual): MOV r8, imm8
# move an immediate value (8 bits) into a register (8 bits)
# opcode: B0+rb ib
# 'B0+rb' means that the first bits are '10110', and the last 3 bits are the register number.
# for instance to move a 1 byte immediate to register AL we use 0xB0,
# to move a 1 byte immediate to register CL we use 0xB1,
# and so on.
# 'ib' means that the next byte is an immediate value, here 60 (=0x3C) because it is the code for the 'exit' syscall.
B0 3C
# ASM: mov dil, 0
# instruction (Intel manual): MOV r8, imm8
# opcode: B0+rb ib
# similar to above, however to write to register DIL we need REX.B prefix, then the register number is 7, so the opcode is 0xB7
# so we need to prefix with 0b01000000 (=0x40)
# and the immediate value is 0, so 0x00
40 b7 00
# now we can make a syscall to 'exit', of code 0x0f05 according to doc
0F 05
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