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Created November 18, 2022 12:42
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ANF transformation with joint point for branching, using higher order reference cell
module Src = struct
type expr =
| Int of int
| Var of string
| Op of string * expr * expr
| Let of string * expr * expr
| If of expr * expr * expr
module IR = struct
type variable = int
let var_seed = ref 0
let fresh_var () = incr var_seed; !var_seed
type label = int
let label_seed = ref 0
let fresh_label () = incr label_seed; !label_seed
type value =
| Int of int
| Var of variable
type expr =
| Val of value
| Op of string * value * value
type program =
| Ret of value
| Jmp of label * value
| Blk of (label * variable * program) * program
| Let of variable * expr * program
| If of value * program * program
module Env = Map.Make(String)
type hole = IR.program -> IR.program
let compose_hole h_outer h_inner = fun p -> h_outer (h_inner p)
let rec anf env hole expr =
match expr with
| Src.Int i -> IR.Int i
| Src.Var v -> Env.find v env
| Src.Op(op, l, r) ->
let var = IR.fresh_var () in
let lv = anf env hole l in
let rv = anf env hole r in
hole := compose_hole !hole (fun p -> IR.Let(var, IR.Op(op, lv, rv), p));
IR.Var var
| Src.Let(name, rhs, body) ->
let rhsv = anf env hole rhs in
let var = IR.fresh_var () in
hole := compose_hole !hole (fun p -> IR.Let(var, IR.Val rhsv, p));
anf (Env.add name (IR.Var var) env) hole body
| Src.If(cond, conseq, alter) ->
let condv = anf env hole cond in
let label = IR.fresh_label () in
let param = IR.fresh_var () in
let conseq_prog =
let conseq_hole = ref in
let result = anf env conseq_hole conseq in
!conseq_hole (IR.Jmp(label, result))
let alter_prog =
let alter_hole = ref in
let result = anf env alter_hole conseq in
!alter_hole (IR.Jmp(label, result))
(* previous hole: H[]
* new hole: H[let label param = [] in if condv conseq_prog alter_prog] *)
hole := compose_hole !hole
(fun p -> IR.Blk( (label, param, p)
, IR.If(condv, conseq_prog, alter_prog) ));
IR.Var param
let test expr =
let hole = ref in
let value = anf Env.empty hole expr in
!hole (IR.Ret value)
let test1 =
let open Src in
Op("add", Int 1, Op("mul", Int 2, Int 3))
let test2 =
let open Src in
Let( "x", Op("add", Int 1, Int 2)
, Let( "y", Op("mul", Int 3, Int 4)
, Op("mul", Var "x", Op("add", Var "y", Var "y") )))
let test3 =
let open Src in
Op("add", Int 1
, If( Int 0
, Op("mul", Int 2, Int 3)
, Op("mul", Int 4, Int 5) ))
let test4 =
let open Src in
If( Int 0
, Op("mul", Int 2, Int 3)
, Op("mul", Int 4, Int 5) )
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