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D3 polygons for SDLC Infographic
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var wrap = function (text, width) {
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//words = "Foo is not a long word".split(/\s+/).reverse(),
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var dataSet = [
{"phase": "Phase A", "name1": "Engage IT", "name2": "ENGAGE", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers all activities that need to be performed in order to engage Information Technology (IT) teams for the purpose of delivering anything that must move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) process."},
{"phase": "Phase B", "name1": "Strategy Development", "name2": "STRAT", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with developing strategy for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase C", "name1": "Research and Development", "name2": "R&D", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing research, studies and/or evaluations for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase D", "name1": "Planning", "name2": "PLAN", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with planning work (e.g. Program, Project and Release Planning) for deliverables that move through the SDLC, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware."},
{"phase": "Phase E", "name1": "Requirements Management", "name2": "REQs", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Requirements Management work (e.g. collection, prioritization, analysis, etc.) for deliverable solutions that move through the SDLC, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware."},
{"phase": "Phase F", "name1": "Design", "name2": "DES", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Design work for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase G", "name1": "Work Space Development", "name2": "WS", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Procurement and/or Building work (e.g. Purchasing, Hardware Construction and Software Coding) in Federated Workspace (WS) Environments for deliverables that move through the SDLC, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware."},
{"phase": "Phase H", "name1": "Common Build", "name2": "BUILD", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Common Build or Centralized Build (BUILD) Environment work for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase I", "name1": "Integration Testing", "name2": "INTEG", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Systems Integration Testing (SIT) work (a.k.a. Integration Testing (INTEG) work) for deliverables that move through the SDLC, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware."},
{"phase": "Phase J", "name1": "User Acceptance Testing", "name2": "UAT", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Environment work for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase K", "name1": "Education and Training", "name2": "EDU", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Training and Education (TRAIN/EDU) Environment work for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase L", "name1": "Product Release", "name2": "PROD", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Production (PROD) Environment work for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase M", "name1": "Disaster Recovery Release", "name2": "DR", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with performing Disaster Recovery (DR) or Business Continuity work for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."},
{"phase": "Phase N", "name1": "Closing and Post Mortem", "name2": "CLOSE", "link": "", "description": "This phase covers key activities associated with the ending of a Project or Release for any deliverable solutions, such as but not limited to, Systems, Applications, Software, and Hardware, which must all move through the Systems Development Life Cycle (or Lifecycle) (i.e. the SDLC) in order to be delivered."}
var polygonPrimaryColor = "MidnightBlue";
var polygonMouseOverColor = "#96ACEE";
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// Create Polygons for SDLC
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.attr("id", function(d,i){ return ("chevron_" + selectString.replace(/ /g,'_').replace(/#/g,'') + "_index_" + i); })
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.attr("points", calculateChevron);
// Create Phase text elements
.attr("poly_id", function(d,i){ return ("chevron_" + selectString.replace(/ /g,'_').replace(/#/g,'') + "_index_" + i); })
.on('mouseover', chevronTextMouseOver)
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.attr("poly_id", function(d,i){ return ("chevron_" + selectString.replace(/ /g,'_').replace(/#/g,'') + "_index_" + i); })
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.style("font-weight","bold")// normal|bold|bolder|lighter|100|200|...|700|800|900|inherit
.text(function(d) { return d.phase + ":";})
.attr("fill", "White")
.on('mouseover', chevronTextMouseOver)
.on("mouseout", chevronTextMouseOut)
.on("click", chevronTextMouseOut)
.attr("x", function(d,i){ return ((svgMargin + chevronDistance/2) + i*(chevronDistance)); });
// Create short name (name2) text elements
.append("g") // No need to enter, again and "svg" is already declared in previous section
.attr("poly_id", function(d,i){ return ("chevron_" + selectString.replace(/ /g,'_').replace(/#/g,'') + "_index_" + i); })
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// Simply to help with debugging the svg canvas.
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// Create Polygons for SDLC
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//.text(function(d) { return (d.phase + ": " + d.name1 + " (" + d.name2 + ") - " + d.description); })
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<h1 style="text-align:center; font: bold 1.7em Arial;"><a href="">The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT)</a></h1>
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<li class="li_LeftMenu"><a class="a_LeftMenuNoUnderLine" href="">IF4IT Home</a></li>
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<li class="li_LeftMenu"><a class="a_LeftMenuNoUnderLine" href="">IF4IT Taxonomies</a></li>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 1 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 2 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 3 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 4 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 5 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<li class="li_LeftMenu"><a class="a_LeftMenuNoUnderLine" href="">IF4IT Home</a></li>
<li class="li_LeftMenu"><a class="a_LeftMenuNoUnderLine" href="">IF4IT Disciplines</a></li>
<li class="li_LeftMenu"><a class="a_LeftMenuNoUnderLine" href="">IF4IT Glossary</a></li>
<li class="li_LeftMenu"><a class="a_LeftMenuNoUnderLine" href="">IF4IT Taxonomies</a></li>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 1 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 2 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 3 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 4 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<p class="p_Left">This is dummy paragraph 5 text that would go in this section of the page.</p>
<td class="td_BodyRight">
<div class="div_RootBody">
<h1 style="text-align:center; font: bold 1.5em Arial;">D3 based Chevrons using Polygon for SDLC Phases</h1>
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<div class="div_Footer"><p><p>This is the IF4IT Footer Message for this web page.</p></p></div>
<div><p class="p_if4itMessage">This Site Has Been Created and Published by The International Foundation for Information Technology (IF4IT).</p></div>
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