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Created October 13, 2023 14:49
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Delete all your youtube comments automatically
// ENSURE that you are on your own page
// Wait for the page to fully load, and than copy / paste this script
// into the console.
// There are two variables that you can change, SLEEP_FOR and CLICK_DELAY
// --> SLEEP_FOR: Min,Max timeout before scrolling down
// --> CLICK_DELAY: Min,Max timeout between clicking the element
// --> COMMENTS_TIMEOUT: Ammount of times 0 comments can be found before we stop
(async() => {
const SLEEP_FOR = [1000, 2000];
const CLICK_DELAY = [350, 1000];
const COMMENTS_TIMEOUT = 3; // -- Ammount of times 0 comments can be found before we stop
// -- Map to store the comments that we've already deleted
const comments = new Map();
let zero_comments_count = 0;
// -- Function used to return all the coments that you've made
// without returning duplicates
const get_comments = () => {
// -- Get all the comments on the page
const new_comments = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-show-delete-individual="true"'));
// -- Ensure that we arent returning duplicates
const unique = new_comments.filter((item) => !comments.has(item));
// -- If we have 0 comments, increment the zero comments count
if (unique.length === 0) zero_comments_count++;
else zero_comments_count = 0;
// -- Add the reply content to the map
unique.forEach((item) => comments.set(item, false));
// -- Return the unique reply content
return unique;
// -- Simple sleep function
const sleep = (min_max) => new Promise((resolve) => {
const min = min_max[0], max = min_max[1];
const time = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
setTimeout(resolve, time);
// -- Progresses down the page and deletes all the content
let deleted = 0;
const step = async() => {
// -- Get comments
const new_comments = get_comments();
// -- Delete all the content
for (const item of new_comments) {
// -- Click the x button: button
const delete_btn = item.querySelector('button');
if (!delete_btn) continue;
// -- Click the more button;
await sleep(CLICK_DELAY);
// -- Scrolls down the page
window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);
// -- Run the step function every 2 seconds
while (true) {
await step();
await sleep(SLEEP_FOR);
// -- If there are no more comments left, exit the loop
if (zero_comments_count === COMMENTS_TIMEOUT) break;
console.log(`Delted ${deleted} comments`);
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Note: This also works with Community Posts and Live chats, make sure you dont close out of the page till you see the 'No activity.' graphic.

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