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Last active January 27, 2018 02:14
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#version 430 core
vec3 taylorSrgbToRgb(in vec3 ColorSRGB)
vec3 A = (ColorSRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111);
vec3 B = (ColorSRGB * A + 0.012522878);
return ColorSRGB * B;
vec4 taylorSrgbToRgb(in vec4 ColorSRGB)
return vec4(taylorSrgbToRgb(ColorSRGB.rgb), ColorSRGB.a);
layout(binding = 0) uniform bufferFetch
vec4 Color;
} Buffer;
layout(location = 0, index = 0) out vec4 Color;
void main()
Color = taylorSrgbToRgb(Buffer.Color);
1 | 0 | | label_basic_block_1: s_mov_b32 s0, s1
2 | 0 | | s_movk_i32 s1, 0x0000
3 | 0 | | s_load_dwordx4 s[4:7], s[0:1], 0x140
4 | 0 | | s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
5 | 0 | | s_andn2_b32 s5, s5, 0x3fff0000
6 | 0 | | s_buffer_load_dword s2, s[4:7], 0x00
7 | 0 | | s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
8 | 0 | | s_lshl_b32 s2, s2, 4
9 | 0 | | s_load_dwordx4 s[0:3], s[0:1], s2
10 | 0 | | s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
11 | 0 | | s_andn2_b32 s1, s1, 0x3fff0000
12 | 0 | | s_buffer_load_dwordx4 s[0:3], s[0:3], 0x00
13 | 1 | ^ | v_mov_b32 v0, 0x3f2ea2c4
14 | 2 | :^ | v_mov_b32 v1, 0x3e9c5112
15 | 2 | :: | s_waitcnt lgkmcnt(0)
16 | 3 | vv^ | v_mad_f32 v2, s0, v1, v0
17 | 4 | vv:^ | v_mad_f32 v3, s1, v1, v0
18 | 4 | xv:: | v_mac_f32 v0, s2, v1
19 | 4 | :^:: | v_mov_b32 v1, 0x3c4d2cc2
20 | 4 | :vx: | v_mad_f32 v2, s0, v2, v1
21 | 4 | :v:x | v_mad_f32 v3, s1, v3, v1
22 | 4 | vx:: | v_mac_f32 v1, s2, v0
23 | 4 | ^:v: | v_mul_f32 v0, s0, v2
24 | 4 | ::^v | v_mul_f32 v2, s1, v3
25 | 3 | :x: | v_mul_f32 v1, s2, v1
26 | 4 | :::^ | v_mov_b32 v3, s3
27 | 4 | x:v: | v_cvt_pkrtz_f16_f32 v0, v0, v2
28 | 3 | :x v | v_cvt_pkrtz_f16_f32 v1, v1, v3
29 | 2 | vv | exp mrt0, v0, v0, v1, v1
30 | 0 | | s_endpgm
Maximum # VGPR used 4, # VGPR allocated: 4
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