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Greatness7 / exportSphere.lua
Created August 28, 2024 04:32
Export Sphere
Export Sphere
By Greatness7
Save as "main.lua" and place the file at "Data Files/mwse/mods/exportSphere/main.lua".
Hotkey: Ctrl+Alt+E
Press first time to spawn the sphere, use mouse wheel to increase/decrease size, press again to export.
Greatness7 / nif.xml
Last active August 28, 2024 05:42
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE niftoolsxml>
<niftoolsxml version="">
<!-- Supported Versions -->
<version num=""></version>
<!-- Basic Types -->
Greatness7 / nif_class_heirarchy.txt
Created July 25, 2021 08:04
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
┌· NiObject
├──┬· NiAccumulator
│ └──┬· NiClusterAccumulator
│ └───· NiAlphaAccumulator
├──┬· NiExtraData
│ ├───· BrickNiExtraData
Greatness7 / base_animkna.nif
Created May 28, 2021 19:52
0.000000 | Idle: Start
2.666667 | Idle: Stop
2.733333 | Idle2: Start
8.066667 | Idle2: Stop
8.133333 | Idle3: Start
13.466667 | Idle3: Stop
13.533334 | Idle4: Start
18.866667 | Idle4: Stop
18.933334 | Idle5: Start
24.266666 | Idle5: Stop
Greatness7 / base_anim.nif
Created May 21, 2021 15:40
0.000000 | Idle: Start
2.666667 | Idle: Stop
2.733333 | Idle2: Start
4.533333 | Idle2: Loop Start
16.866667 | Idle2: Loop Stop
17.733334 | Idle2: Stop
29.733334 | Idle3: Start
35.066666 | Idle3: Stop
35.400002 | Idle4: Start
40.733334 | Idle4: Stop
Greatness7 / base_anim.1st.nif
Created May 21, 2021 14:47
0.000000 | Shield: Block Start
0.333333 | Shield: Block Hit
1.333333 | Shield: Block Stop
1.400000 | BowAndArrow: Equip Start
1.533333 | BowAndArrow: Equip Attach
1.866667 | BowAndArrow: Equip Stop
1.933333 | BowAndArrow: Shoot Start
2.133333 | BowAndArrow: Shoot Attach
2.666667 | Sound: BowPull
2.866667 | BowAndArrow: Shoot Min Attack
Greatness7 /
Last active December 9, 2023 01:17
bl_info = {
"name": "Morrowind Mixamo Helper",
"version": (0, 1, 3),
"blender": (3, 6, 5),
"location": "Search > Morrowind Mixamo Helper",
"description": "Morrowind Mixamo Helper",
"category": "Animation",