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Last active September 17, 2024 20:47
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Iridium satellite cheat sheet for hackrf SDR capture using gr-iridium iridium-toolkit and iridium live


This details how to capture voice text and rings associated with iridium satellite rebroadcasts of the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Report System (ACARS)



Iridium voice

Sat band voice capture of ACARS - Aircraft Comms Address and Report System

  • Check configuration

    cd ~/gr-iridium/examples/*.conf
  • Verify bias, sample rate, BW, center_freq, and gains for the sdr being used

    • Example for hackrf shown below
    # Use the following if bias t is disabled
    # Use the following line to turn on the antenna bias
    # Turn on the pre-amp
    # Moderate gains
  • Start the extractor

    iridium-extractor -D 4 $HOME/gr-iridium/examples/hackrf-10msps.conf > output.bits

    Any signals > 50% are acceptable else increase gain in conf file to achieve desired capture and restart extractor

  • Start the parser of extracted files

    python3 $HOME/iridium-toolkit/ output.bits > output.parsed
  • View parse voice captures.

    python3 $HOME/iridium-toolkit/ output.parsed
  • To audition voice samples left click on samples to begin and right click on sample end.

Iridium text

Sat band text message capture of ACARS - Aircraft Comms Address and Report System

  • Start extraction pipe to parser

    iridium-extractor -D 4 --multi-frame $HOME/gr-iridium/examples/hackrf-10msps.conf | python3 -u $HOME/iridium-toolkit/ -o zmq
  • In a second terminal open up reassembler

    python3 -u $HOME/iridium-toolkit/ -m acars zmq:
  • You should see new subscriber notification in extraction pipe

  • As notifications are received they will appear in the reassembler terminal


View ACARS and sats extracted on a map

  • Navigate to html index
    cd $HOME/iridium-toolkit/html
  • Update and change line removing literal ip address to localhost or and change to python3. If sdr is on a remote host use its literal ip address.
    python3 m http-server --bind 8888
  • Open a web browser using ip above to see the extractions and satellite locations on a map

Iridium RNG Alert Band

Mapping Ring Alerts with IridiumLive imager

  • Edit and update script

    cd $HOME/iridium-toolkit
    sudo nano
  • Change ap = to for localhost or literal ip of the remote sdr host

  • Run live extraction and viewer

    iridium-extractor --multi-frame examples/hackrf-10msps.conf | $HOME/iridium-toolkit/ -p /dev/stdin /dev/stdout | python3
  • Verify UDP packets XXX in terminal scroll

  • Start up webserver

    sudo ./iridiumlive
  • Open browser to localhost:7777 to see rings and SATs

Special thanks to ...

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Photos of setup

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In the RAW output from iridium-extractor, what values do you typically get for column 7 "QPSK Confidence"? I'm getting a signal that looks great on the waterfall, 30db above noise, but rarely get confidence levels about 60%, with about 50% average, and only a few packets here and there actually parsable.

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