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Даниил Пронин Grawl

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juliendargelos /
Last active August 16, 2024 01:33
Imagemagick command that trims transparent pixels from an image.
convert input.png -trim +repage output.png
oliveratgithub / emojis.json
Last active September 2, 2024 14:50
Emoji-list with emojis, names, shortcodes, unicode and html entities [massive list]
"emojis": [
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", "name": "family: woman, woman, girl, girl", "shortname": ":woman_woman_girl_girl:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467", "html": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", "name": "family: woman, woman, girl, boy", "shortname": ":woman_woman_girl_boy:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F466", "html": "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", "name": "family: woman, woman, boy, boy", "shortname": ":woman_woman_boy_boy:", "unicode": "1F469 200D 1F469 200D 1F466 200D 1F466", "html": "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", "category": "People & Body (family)", "order": ""},
{"emoji": "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧", "name": "family: man, woman, girl, girl", "shortname": ":man_woman_girl_girl:", "unicode": "1F468 200D 1F469 200D 1F467 200D 1F467", "html": "👨‍👩&z
haircut / Install PIP to user site on
Created August 29, 2017 21:50
How to install and use pip without sudo or admin on macOS

Install and use pip on macOS without sudo / admin access

Most recently tested on macOS Sierra (10.12.6)

  1. Download the installation script; curl -o ~/Downloads/
  2. Run the installation, appending the --user flag; python ~/Downloads/ --user. pip will be installed to ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin/pip
  3. Make sure ~/Library/Python/2.7/bin is in your $PATH. For bash users, edit the PATH= line in ~/.bashrc to append the local Python path; ie. PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Python/2.7/bin. Apply the changes, source ~/.bashrc.
  4. Use pip! Remember to append --user when installing modules; ie. pip install <package_name> --user


hfcorriez / async_raven.js
Last active December 14, 2018 09:01
Load raven js async (ga.js like)
!function(n,e,a,t,o,r,s,c){var c=c||[];n.onerror=function(n,e,a){c.push([n,e,a])};var i=!1;
r.onreadystatechange=r.onload=function(){if(!i){Raven.config(o).install();for(var n=0;n<c.length;n++)Raven.captureMessage("Message: "+c[n][0]+" - URL: "+c[n][1]+" - Line: "+c[n][2])}i=!0}
andywer /
Last active December 23, 2020 17:22
Reactive Conf 2017 ⚡️ Talk Proposal - Memory Leak Hunt 2017 Style

This is a proposal for lightning talk at Reactive Conf. Please 🌟 this gist to push the proposal!

Memory Leak Testing in 2017

Hi, I am Andy, creator of leakage - the node-powered memory leak testing library.

Instead of manual debugging it provides a structured approach to fix or even prevent memory leaks.

mblarsen / app__Console__Commands__WebpackCommand.php
Last active June 11, 2018 00:43
Laravel and Webpack (with webpack-dev-server)
namespace Supawdog\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Process\ProcessUtils;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Process\PhpExecutableFinder;
class WebpackCommand extends Command
* {
case: lowercase;
max-empty-lines: 4 !warning;
selector {
max-empty-lines: 1;
*::comma {
ffoodd / improved-sr-only.markdown
Last active August 16, 2024 11:55
Improved .sr-only

Improved .sr-only

Theorically bulletproof CSS class for visually hide anything and keep it accessible to ATs.

A Pen by ffoodd on CodePen.


antixrist / index.js
Last active August 12, 2024 06:18
vue-magnific. Magnific-popup wrapper for Vue.js
const _ = require('lodash');
const $ = require('jquery');
const Vue = require('vue');
module.exports = Vue.extend({
template: require('./tpl.html'),
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,