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Last active August 31, 2024 01:25
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GitHub App Authentication with Octokit (Ruby)
# frozen_string_literal: true
# This class provides a wrapper around the Octokit client for GitHub App authentication.
# It handles token generation and refreshing, and delegates method calls to the Octokit client.
# Helpful:
# Go ahead and rename all the environment variables that start with "YOUR_..." to match your setup.
# Usage (examples):
# require_relative "github"
# github =
# github.get "/meta"
# github.get "/repos/<org>/<repo>"
# github.user "grantbirki"
# Why? In some cases, you may not want to have a static long lived token like a GitHub PAT when authenticating...
# with octokit.rb. This Gist provides an example of how to use a GitHub App to authenticate with octokit.rb.
# Most importantly, this class will handle automatic token refreshing for you out-of-the-box. Simply provide the...
# correct environment variables, call ``, and then use the returned object as you would an Octokit client.
require "octokit"
require "jwt"
class GitHub
TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME = 2700 # 45 minutes
JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME = 600 # 10 minutes
def initialize()
# app ids are found on the App's settings page
@app_id = fetch_env_var("YOUR_GITHUB_APP_ID").to_i
# installation ids look like this:
@installation_id = fetch_env_var("YOUR_GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID").to_i
# app keys are found on the App's settings page and can be downloaded
# format: "-----BEGIN...key\n...END-----\n"
# make sure this key in your env is a single line string with newlines as "\n"
@app_key = fetch_env_var("YOUR_GITHUB_APP_KEY").gsub(/\\+n/, "\n")
@client = nil
@token_refresh_time = nil
# Fetches the value of an environment variable and raises an error if it is not set.
# @param key [String] The name of the environment variable.
# @return [String] The value of the environment variable.
def fetch_env_var(key)
ENV.fetch(key) { raise "environment variable #{key} is not set" }
# Caches the octokit client if it is not nil and the token has not expired
# If it is nil or the token has expired, it creates a new client
# @return [Octokit::Client] The octokit client
def client
if @client.nil? || token_expired?
@client = create_client
# A helper method for generating a JWT token for the GitHub App
# @return [String] The JWT token
def jwt_token
private_key =
payload = {}.tap do |opts|
opts[:iat] = - 60 # issued at time, 60 seconds in the past to allow for clock drift
opts[:exp] = opts[:iat] + JWT_EXPIRATION_TIME # JWT expiration time (10 minute maximum)
opts[:iss] = @app_id # GitHub App ID
JWT.encode(payload, private_key, "RS256")
# Creates a new octokit client and fetches a new installation access token
# @return [Octokit::Client] The octokit client
def create_client
client = jwt_token)
access_token = client.create_app_installation_access_token(@installation_id)[:token]
client =
client.auto_paginate = true
client.per_page = 100
@token_refresh_time =
# GitHub App installation access tokens expire after 1h
# This method checks if the token has expired and returns true if it has
# It is very cautious and expires tokens at 45 minutes to account for clock drift
# @return [Boolean] True if the token has expired, false otherwise
def token_expired?
@token_refresh_time.nil? || ( - @token_refresh_time) > TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME
# This method is called when a method is called on the GitHub class that does not exist.
# It delegates the method call to the Octokit client.
# @param method [Symbol] The name of the method being called.
# @param args [Array] The arguments passed to the method.
# @param block [Proc] An optional block passed to the method.
# @return [Object] The result of the method call on the Octokit client.
def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
client.send(method, *args, &block)
# This method is called to check if the GitHub class responds to a method.
# It checks if the Octokit client responds to the method.
# @param method [Symbol] The name of the method being checked.
# @param include_private [Boolean] Whether to include private methods in the check.
# @return [Boolean] True if the Octokit client responds to the method, false otherwise.
def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false)
client.respond_to?(method, include_private) || super
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