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Last active November 11, 2019 22:04
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This gist is part of an article and may not covey the actual message on it's own. Link to article:
import axios, {AxiosError} from 'axios';
import {notifier} from './util';
interface ComposedError {
readonly message: string;
readonly error: AxiosError;
handleGlobally(): void;
getError(): AxiosError;
class ComposedAjaxError implements ComposedError {
name: string = 'ComposedAjaxError';
public readonly message: string;
public readonly error: AxiosError;
private _globallyHandled: boolean = false;
constructor(error: AxiosError) {
this.error = error;
const statusCode = error.response ? error.response.status : null;
switch (statusCode) {
case 401:
this.message = 'Please login to access this resource';
case 404:
this.message = 'The requested resource does not exist or has been deleted';
this.message = 'Something went wrong and request was not completed';
public getError(): AxiosError {
return this.error;
public handleGlobally(): void {
if (this._globallyHandled) return;
this._globallyHandled = true;
axios.interceptors.response.use(undefined, function (error: AxiosError) {
const composedError = new ComposedAjaxError(error);
return Promise.reject(composedError);
// 1. Fetch some missing information
axios.get('/api/articles/not-found').then(resp => {
// So something with article information
}).catch((error: ComposedError) => {
const statusCode = error.getError().response
? error.getError().response.status
: null;
// We will handle locally
// When it's a 404 error, else handle globally
if (statusCode === 404) {
// Do some specific error handling logic for this request
// For example: show the user a paywall to upgrade their subscription in order to view achieves
} else {
error.handleGlobally && error.handleGlobally();
// 2. Fetch some missing information
axios.get('/api/users/not-found').then(resp => {
// So something with user information
}).catch((error: ComposedError) => {
// We want to handle globally
error.handleGlobally && error.handleGlobally();
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