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Created July 18, 2018 10:14
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function stringifyExplicitObject(subject) {
return '{' + Object.entries(subject).map(function (entry) {
return entry[0] + ':' + stringify(entry[1]);
}).join(',') + '}';
function stringifyArray(subject) {
return '[' + (element) {
return stringify(element);
}).join(',') + ']';
function stringifyObject(subject) {
// Check if the subject is an array. If so...
return subject.constructor === [].constructor
// Treat it as an array. Otherwise...
? stringifyArray(subject)
// Treat it as an explicit object.
: stringifyExplicitObject(subject);
function stringify (subject) {
// Check if the subject is an object. If so...
return typeof subject === 'object'
// Treat it as an object. Otherwise...
? stringifyObject(subject)
// Treat it as a primitive value.
: '"' + subject + '"';
module.exports = stringify;
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