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Last active August 4, 2022 11:02
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Print graphical lambda calculus
from arpeggio.cleanpeg import ParserPEG
from arpeggio import PTNodeVisitor, visit_parse_tree
full = expr EOF
expr = var / function / application
function = "/" var "." expr
application = "(" expr expr ")"
var = r"\w+"
parser = ParserPEG(GRAMMAR, root_rule_name="full")
def _make_top_pipe(cols):
last_non_pipe=max(i for i, col in enumerate(cols) if col[0]!=" ")
for i in range(last_non_pipe+1, len(cols)):
if cols[last_non_pipe][0]=="┐":
return cols
class MyVisitor(PTNodeVisitor):
def visit_full(self, node, children):
return children[0]
def visit_expr(self, node, children):
return children[0]
def visit_function(self, node, children):
var, expr = children
return _make_top_pipe(expr) + ["─"] + var
def visit_application(self, node, children):
func, arg = children
return _make_top_pipe(func) + ["─"] + [("┐" if i==0 else " ") + col for i, col in enumerate(arg)]
def visit_var(self, node, children):
return list(str(node))
def p(text):
tree = parser.parse(text)
tree2 = visit_parse_tree(tree, MyVisitor())
print("\n".join("".join(row) for row in zip_longest(*tree2, fillvalue=" ")))
for name, lam in [
("Abstraction", "/x.M"),
("Application", "(f x)"),
("true", "/x./y.x"),
("false", "/x./y.y"),
("and", "/a./b.((a b) a)"),
("0", "/f./x.x"),
("1", "/f./x.(f x)"),
("2", "/f./x.(f (f x))"),
("succ", "/n./f./x.(f ((n f) x))"),
("Y", "/g.(/x.(g (x x)) /x.(g (x x)))"),
("Omega", "(/x.(x x) /x.(x x))"),
print(f"{name}: {lam}")
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