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Last active April 26, 2018 08:55
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A useful printing implementation that requires no flags, yet gets removed during compiler optimization for a release build.
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
/// Prints the `items` with an optional separator and terminator.
/// The benefit of this approach is that all calls will be entirely removed during compiler optimization for release builds.
/// Additionally you can provide an optional closure to perform text processing. The processed string gets printed either before or immediately after `message` depending on the returned boolean.
/// - Parameters:
/// - items: Zero or more items to print.
/// - separator: An optional string to print between each item; default is a single whitespace.
/// - terminator: Optionally provide a string to append to the end; default is a single new line.
/// - closure: Used to prepare textual output. The closure must return the string to print, and a boolean to determine if the resulting string should be shown above or after the `message` (but before terminator).
public func log(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n", unprocessedText closure: (() -> (text: String, showAboveMessage: Bool))? = nil) {
assert(logPrint(items, separator: separator, terminator: terminator, unprocessedText: closure))
// See comment above for log(_:seperator:terminator:closure:)
fileprivate func logPrint(_ items: [Any], separator: String, terminator end: String, unprocessedText closure: (() -> (text: String, showAboveMessage: Bool))?) -> Bool {
var postfix = ""
var output = ""
if let processText = closure {
let processed = processText() as (text: String, showAboveMessage: Bool)
if processed.showAboveMessage {
} else {
postfix = processed.text
var prefix = ""
for item in items {
output += prefix + String(describing: item)
prefix = separator
print(output + postfix, terminator: end)
return true
log("Processing", separator: ":", terminator: "") { () -> (text: String, showAboveMessage: Bool) in
let today =
return (" started \(today) ", false)
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