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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Is this the shortest way to convert to roman numerals? I think so.
// i woke up this morning with the
// odd thought that i want to
// find out what's the most optimal
// way to spell out an integer as
// roman numerals is.
function romanChar(&$num,$value,$code)
$r = "";
while($num >= $value)
$num -= $value;
$r .= $code;
return $r;
function roman($num)
$r .= romanChar($num,1000,"M");
$r .= romanChar($num,900,"CM");
$r .= romanChar($num,500,"D");
$r .= romanChar($num,400,"CD");
$r .= romanChar($num,100,"C");
$r .= romanChar($num,90,"XC");
$r .= romanChar($num,50,"L");
$r .= romanChar($num,40,"XL");
$r .= romanChar($num,10,"X");
$r .= romanChar($num,5,"V");
$r .= romanChar($num,4,"IV");
$r .= romanChar($num,1,"I");
return $r;
// test
for ($x=0; $x<10; $x++)
$n = rand(0,4000);
printf("%4d - %s\n",$n,roman($n));
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