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Last active April 21, 2021 08:59
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PowerShell Core Profile
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
# $PSVersionTable.OS
# Write-Host
# User paths
if ($IsMacOS) {
$userPaths = @(
# APP home
# cargo home
$env:CARGO_HOME = "$HOME/.cargo"
# rustup home
$env:RUSTUP_HOME = "$HOME/.rustup"
# nvm home
$env:NVM_DIR = "$HOME/.nvm"
# User alias
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-Alias -Name brew -Value scoop
if ($IsMacOS) {
if (Get-Command bat) {
Set-Alias -Name cat -Value bat
# Proxy ports
$windowsHttpProxyPort = 1080
$macOSHttpProxyPort = 7890
$macOSSocks5hProxyPort = 7891
# Don't touch anything below if you're not orange enough.
if ($IsMacOS) {
# if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge 7) {
# Write-Host "Please update PATH related script according to"
# return
# }
# macOS PATH
# $pathHelperResult = $(/usr/libexec/path_helper).Split('"')[1]
$originalPath = $env:PATH
try {
$env:PATH = $null
foreach ($userPath in $userPaths) {
$env:PATH += $userPath + ":"
$env:PATH += $originalPath
# $env:PATH += $pathHelperResult
catch {
$env:PATH = $originalPath
if ($IsMacOS -Or $IsLinux) {
# Set GPG tty to fix git code signing error: gpg failed to sign the data
$env:GPG_TTY = $(tty)
# Modules
Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module nvm
# Functions
function Enable-HttpProxy {
if ($IsMacOS) {
$env:http_proxy = $env:https_proxy = $env:all_proxy = "http://localhost:$macOSHttpProxyPort"
elseif ($IsWindows) {
$env:http_proxy = $env:https_proxy = $env:all_proxy = "http://localhost:$windowsHttpProxyPort"
else {
New-Object System.PlatformNotSupportedException
function Enable-Socks5hProxy {
if ($IsMacOS) {
$env:http_proxy = $env:https_proxy = $env:all_proxy = "socks5h://localhost:$macOSSocks5hProxyPort"
else {
New-Object System.PlatformNotSupportedException
function Enable-GitGlobalHttpProxy {
if ($IsMacOS) {
git config --global http.proxy "http://localhost:$macOSHttpProxyPort"
elseif ($IsWindows) {
git config --global http.proxy "http://localhost:$windowsHttpProxyPort"
else {
New-Object System.PlatformNotSupportedException
function Disable-Proxy {
if ($IsMacOS -or $IsWindows) {
$env:http_proxy = $env:https_proxy = $env:all_proxy = $null
git config --global --unset http.proxy
else {
New-Object System.PlatformNotSupportedException
# Enable proxy by default.
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