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WordPress + Impreza | Create shortcode to output accordions based on ACF repeater fields
/* ACF Case Study Key Features accordion shortcode recreation, used within the Case Study page template */
// [fs_key_features_accordion]
function fs_sc_key_features_accordion( $atts ){
// begin output buffering
if( have_rows('cs_key_website_features') ) {
// Impreza accordion shortcode example, that we mimic below with our variables and while loop:
[vc_tta_accordion title_tag="h3" c_icon="plus"]
[vc_tta_section title="Title in here" el_id="casestudy-key-feature-1"][vc_column_text]Text goes in here[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section]
[vc_tta_section title="Second Title in here"][vc_column_text]Second Text goes in here[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section]
// start section counter at 1, that we can then increase by one for each loop iteration, used for a unique ID per accordion toggle
$repeater_counter = 1;
// starting shortcode piece
$accordion_start = '[vc_tta_accordion title_tag="h3" c_icon="plus"]';
// initially set the sections as empty, to define the variable
$accordion_sections = '';
while ( have_rows('cs_key_website_features') ) : the_row();
// vars
$title = get_sub_field('cs_key_feature_title');
$description = get_sub_field('cs_key_feature_description');
// create the number variable, of which we add 1 for each new iteration, that we can then use on the toggle ID
$section_counter_number = $repeater_counter++;
// the ID that we add to each iterataion, within the Impreza shortcode el_id attribute
$accordion_section_id = 'casestudy-key-feature-' . $section_counter_number;
// the actual inner shortcodes for each accordion
$accordion_sections .= '[vc_tta_section title="' . $title . '" el_id="' . $accordion_section_id . '"][vc_column_text]' . $description . '[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section]';
$accordion_end = '[/vc_tta_accordion]';
// output via the shortcode with all the proper shortcode pieces
echo do_shortcode($accordion_start .''. $accordion_sections .''. $accordion_end);
// end output buffering, grab the buffer contents, and empty the buffer
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode( 'fs_key_features_accordion', 'fs_sc_key_features_accordion' );
/* ACF Case Study Key Features images, used within the Case Study page template */
// [fs_key_features_images]
function fs_sc_key_features_images( $atts ){
// begin output buffering
if( have_rows('cs_key_website_features') ) {
// start section counter at 1, that we can then increase by one for each loop iteration, used for a unique ID per image
$repeater_counter = 1;
// images wrapper open
echo '<div class="casestudy-key-feature-images">';
while ( have_rows('cs_key_website_features') ) : the_row();
// vars
$image = get_sub_field('cs_key_feature_image');
// create the number variable, of which we add 1 for each new iteration, that we can then use on the image ID
$image_counter_number = $repeater_counter++;
// the ID that we add to each iterataion, within image code below
$image_id = 'casestudy-key-feature-img-' . $image_counter_number;
// start image
if($image) {
$image_url = $image['url'];
$image_thumb = $image['sizes']['large'];
$image_alt = $image['alt'];
echo '<img width="640" height="640" src="' . $image_thumb . '" alt="' . $image_alt . '" id="' . $image_id . '">';
else {
// otherwise if any of the repeater rows had no image, use a default one we set here
echo '<img width="640" height="640" src="/wp-content/uploads/fs-vector-homepage-layout.svg" alt="' . $image_alt . '" id="' . $image_id . '">';
echo '</div>';
// images wrapper close
// end output buffering, grab the buffer contents, and empty the buffer
return ob_get_clean();
add_shortcode( 'fs_key_features_images', 'fs_sc_key_features_images' );
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