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Created November 27, 2018 15:22
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# Script to clean ECR repos
## Usage:
## Non-interactive, for running in cron or your C.I.:
## echo "y" | ./ <IMAGE-REPO-NAME> <WEEKS-TO-KEEP>
## Dependencies
## Requires jq and aws command line
## aws credentials are also needed to access the repo. These can be set up using the "aws configure" command.
## Set the region in the parameters below.
# Check if jq is available
type jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The jq utility is required for this script to run."; exit 1; }
# Check if aws cli is available
type aws >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "The aws cli is required for this script to run."; exit 1; }
# Check number of arguments parsed
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Useage ./ <IMAGE-REPO-NAME> <WEEKS-TO-KEEP>"
exit 1
SECONDS=$(echo "$WEEKS * 604800" | bc)
read -p "Delete images older than $WEEKS weeks from $REPO (y/n)? " CHOICE
case "$CHOICE" in
WEEKS_AGO=$(echo "$(date +%s)-$SECONDS" | bc)
IMAGES=$(aws --region $REGION ecr describe-images --repository-name $REPO --output json | jq '.[]' | jq '.[]' | jq "select (.imagePushedAt < $WEEKS_AGO)" | jq -r '.imageDigest')
for IMAGE in ${IMAGES[*]}; do
echo "Deleting $IMAGE"
aws --region $REGION ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name $REPO --image-ids imageDigest=$IMAGE
*) exit 0 ;;
echo "Finished."
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