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namespace FsCheck.Ext
module Test =
open System
open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Arb
type JapaneseChar = char
let japaneseChar (s: string) =
Gab-km / IOSample.fs
Last active December 17, 2015 08:39
open System
// IOモナド
module IO =
type IO<'a> = IO of (unit -> 'a)
type IOBuilder() =
member this.Bind (IO x, f) = f (x())
Gab-km / HttpStatus.fs
Last active December 14, 2015 00:59 — forked from anonymous/HttpStatus.fs
httpstatus コマンドで、HTTP のステータスコードをすばやくしらべる!
type HttpStatus =
{ Code: string; Message: string }
override self.ToString () = sprintf "%s %s" self.Code self.Message
let httpStatus code message = { Code = code; Message = message }
let httpStatusList =[
httpStatus "100" "Continue";
httpStatus "101" "Switching Protocols";
httpStatus "102" "Processing";
Gab-km /
Last active September 20, 2024 02:15 — forked from juno/
GitHub Flow (Japanese translation)
Gab-km / hgrc
Created September 4, 2011 11:18 — forked from Gab-km/hgrc
hg fix ["fixed message"] (for Windows)
# hgrc
# if you use some Unix base operating systems, like Linux distributions, BSDs or Macs,
# see:
mq =
hgshelve = $HOME/.mercurial/extensions/hgshelve/
# fix latest commit message
Gab-km / hgrc
Created September 4, 2011 11:17 — forked from troter/hgrc
hg fix "fixed message" # (hg 1.8.x only)
# hgrc
mq =
hgshelve = $HOME/.mercurial/extensions/hgshelve/
# fix latest commit message (hg 1.8.x only)
fix = ! \
$HG shelve --all -n 'tmp.hg-fix' && \