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Last active December 24, 2022 07:40
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Looping gifs</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { Perlin3 } = tumult;
const { OffScreenCanvas, Container, Rectangle, LinearGradient, gif, Math: M, Position } = Pencil;
const scene = new OffScreenCanvas(568, 300);
const noise = new Perlin3();
const { width, height } = scene;
const synthWidth = width * 0.8;
const synthHeight = height * 0.6;
const nbBars = 30;
const margin = 4;
const synth = new Container([(width - synthWidth) / 2, (height - synthHeight) / 2 + synthHeight], {
scale: [1, -1],
const barsWidth = Math.round(synthWidth / nbBars);
const barsOptions = {
fill: new LinearGradient(undefined, [0, synthHeight], {
0: "#15c20a",
1: "#da0d19",
const bars = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nbBars; ++i) {
bars.push(new Rectangle([Math.floor(i * barsWidth), 0], barsWidth - margin, 0, barsOptions));
synth.add(...bars, new Rectangle([0, -margin - 4], synthWidth, 4, {
fill: "#333",
const nbFrame = 50;
const norm = new Position(0, 1);
synth.on("draw", () => {
const pos = norm.clone().rotate(synth.frameCount / nbFrame);
const coords = [pos.x + 10, pos.y + 10];
bars.forEach((bar, i) => {
const value = noise.octavate(2, i / 6, ...coords);
const corrected =, -0.7, 0.7, 0, 1) ** 2;
bar.height = M.lerp(bar.height, corrected * synthHeight, 1);
}, true);
console.log("Working ...");
gif(scene, nbFrame, {
speed: 0.15,
alphaThreshold: 1e-5,
}).then((img) => {
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