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Created October 23, 2018 16:28
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Set up Alpine Linux RAID1 over 4 disks with 16GB rootfs size
# set up basic alpine environment (networking, kbd layout, apk repo)
setup-alpine -q
# add some required packages
apk add e2fsprogs mdadm parted sgdisk gptfdisk
# create partition layout on the first disk
gdisk /dev/sda
> o
> y
> n
> +128M
> fd00
> n
> +16G
> fd00
> w
> y
# copy the partition layout to all other disks
sgdisk /dev/sda -R /dev/sdb
sgdisk /dev/sda -R /dev/sdc
sgdisk /dev/sda -R /dev/sgd
# randomize the UUIDs on all the disks
sgdisk -G /dev/sdb
sgdisk -G /dev/sdc
sgdisk -G /dev/sdd
# set the bootable flag on the first partition of all disks
# Note: I'm not sure if this is being copied by the sgdisk -R command above,
# so to be 100% sure, we set it manually on all disks
sgdisk /dev/sda --attributes=1:set:2
sgdisk /dev/sdb --attributes=1:set:2
sgdisk /dev/sdc --attributes=1:set:2
sgdisk /dev/sdd --attributes=1:set:2
# create our /boot raid1
# Note: --metadata 1.0 is VERY important here, syslinux does not support anything newer!
mdadm --create /dev/md0 --metadata 1.0 -l 1 -n 4 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
# create our / raid1
mdadm --create /dev/md1 -l 1 -n 4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
# create ext4 partitions
mkfs.ext4 -m 0 /dev/md0
mkfs.ext4 /dev/md1
# mount the partitions
mount -t ext4 /dev/md1 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot /mnt/etc
mount -t ext4 /dev/md0 /mnt/boot
# write the mdadm config so we don't end up with md127/md126 instead of md0/md1
mdadm --detail --scan > /mnt/etc/mdadm.conf
# make sure we include the raid1 module in our initrd
echo raid1 >> /etc/modules
# do the actual alpine linux installation
setup-disk -m sys /mnt
# cleanly unmount everything
umount /mnt/boot /mnt
# write the GPT/MBR bootloader to the disk protective mbr
dd bs=440 conv=notrunc count=1 if=/usr/share/syslinux/gptmbr.bin of=/dev/sda
dd bs=440 conv=notrunc count=1 if=/usr/share/syslinux/gptmbr.bin of=/dev/sdb
dd bs=440 conv=notrunc count=1 if=/usr/share/syslinux/gptmbr.bin of=/dev/sdc
dd bs=440 conv=notrunc count=1 if=/usr/share/syslinux/gptmbr.bin of=/dev/sdd
# make sure all disks are synced before rebooting/shutting down
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jamess60 commented Sep 12, 2023

Doesn't appear to work anymore (alpine 3.18) - Fails at line 44
The partitions created in line 7 dont show in /dev/sd*, but do show in /dev/block and lsblk

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