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Rough implementation of modal in 2
import discord, secrets
class TextInput:
"""for storing our text input data"""
def __init__(self, payload):
self.type = payload['type']
self.custom_id = payload['custom_id'] = payload['style']
self.label = payload['label']
self.min_length = payload.get('min_length')
self.max_length = payload.get('max_length')
self.required = payload.get('required')
self.value = payload.get('value')
self.placeholder = payload.get('placeholder')
class Modal:
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, title): = bot
self.title = title
self.custom_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(16)
self.payload = {
'title': title,
'custom_id': self.custom_id,
'components': []
self.adapter = discord.webhook.async_.async_context.get()
self.fields = []
def add_field(self, style, label, min_length=None, max_length=None, required=False, value=None, placeholder=None):
"""method to add new text input field
1 : single-line input
2 : multi-line input
component = {
'type': 4,
'custom_id': secrets.token_urlsafe(16),
'style': style,
'label': label,
'required': str(required),
if min_length:
component['min_length'] = min_length
if max_length:
component['max_length'] = max_length
if value:
component['value'] = value
if placeholder:
component['placeholder'] = placeholder
'type': 1,
'components': [component]
async def send_modal(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
interaction.response._responded = True
await self.adapter.create_interaction_response(
interaction_id =,
token = interaction.token,
session = interaction._session,
data = self.payload,
type = 9
async def wait(self, timeout=180):
def interaction_check(interaction: discord.Interaction):
return'custom_id') == self.custom_id
# this is probably a bad implementation but its working
# wait for interaction with that match this modal instance custom_id
interaction = await'interaction', check=interaction_check, timeout=timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# return None if user didn't respond to the modal
return None, []
components =['components']
# match each result field with corresponding TextInput field
# because interaction data doesn't hold all of text input data
result = []
for component in components:
for field in self.fields:
if component['components'][0]['custom_id'] == field.custom_id:
field.value = component['components'][0]['value']
# returns modal interactions and list of TextInput filled.
return interaction, result
async def test_modal(self, ctx):
class View(discord.ui.View): # create a subclass of discord.ui.View
def __init__(self):
self.submiter = []
@discord.ui.button(label='Form-aline', style=discord.ButtonStyle.success)
async def btn(self, button, interaction):
form = Modal(, f'Form for {interaction.user}') # initate Modal
# add text input fields
form.add_field(1, 'Name', max_length=100, placeholder='ur stopid name', required=True) # single-line text input
form.add_field(2, 'reason why ur dumb', max_length=200, placeholder='what is it') # paragraph input
form.add_field(1, 'ur age', max_length=100) # single-line input
await form.send_modal(interaction)
# wait for user to submit the modal
interacted, result = await form.wait()
if not interacted:
if in self.submiter: # check if they have submited to this modal before
return await interacted.response.send_message('you have filled this form.', ephemeral=True)
# add it to list of people who have submited their modal
fields = [f'`{field.label}` : {field.value}' for field in result] # get them text input data
embed = discord.Embed(title=form.title, description='\n'.join(fields))
await interacted.response.send_message(embed=embed)
await ctx.reply('STUPIDITY SURVEY 2022', view=View(), mention_author=False)
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