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Created July 24, 2023 17:27
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#import <ObjFW/ObjFW.h>
#define auto __auto_type
@interface AsyncDownloadRequest : OFObject<OFHTTPClientDelegate>
@property(readonly) OFFile *file;
+ (instancetype)requestWithFile: (OFFile *)file;
- (instancetype)initWithFile: (OFFile *)file;
@implementation AsyncDownloadRequest
+ (instancetype)requestWithFile: (OFFile *)file
{ return [[self alloc] initWithFile: file]; }
- (instancetype)initWithFile: (OFFile *)file
if ((self = [super init]) == nil)
return nil;
self->_file = file;
return self;
- (void)client:(OFHTTPClient *)client didPerformRequest:(OFHTTPRequest *)request response:(OFHTTPResponse *)response exception:(id)exception
if (exception != nil) {
@throw exception;
[OFStdErr writeFormat: @"Response: %@\n", response];
static const size_t SIZE = 4096;
void *buffer = malloc(SIZE);
[response asyncReadIntoBuffer: buffer length: SIZE block: ^(size_t size, id exception) {
if (exception != nil) {
@throw exception;
return false;
[OFStdOut writeFormat: @"Writing %zu bytes\n", size];
[self->_file asyncWriteData: [OFData dataWithItemsNoCopy: buffer count: size freeWhenDone: false]];
return true;
@interface AsyncTest : OFObject<OFApplicationDelegate> @end
@implementation AsyncTest
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:_
OFLog(@"This is a log msg");
auto args = OFApplication.arguments;
if (args.count < 1) {
[OFStdErr writeLine: @"Usage: async-test <url> [file]"];
[OFApplication terminateWithStatus: 1];
auto url = (OFString *)args[0];
auto file = args.count > 1 ? args[1] : @"file.txt";
auto http = [OFHTTPClient client];
static AsyncDownloadRequest *delegate;
if (delegate == nil)
delegate = [AsyncDownloadRequest requestWithFile: [OFFile fileWithPath: file mode: @"w"]];
http.delegate = delegate;
auto req = [OFHTTPRequest requestWithIRI: [OFIRI IRIWithString: url]];
req.method = OFHTTPRequestMethodGet;
[http asyncPerformRequest: req];
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