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Created June 5, 2018 17:18
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Simple, Robust Kaleido Environment
This creates suite of environments using all available
environment types and consensus methods.
variable "kaleido_api_key" {
type = "string"
description = "Kaleido API Key"
variable "kaleido_region" {
type = "string"
description = "Can be '-ap' for Sydney, or '-eu' for Frankfurt. Defaults to US"
default = ""
provider "kaleido" {
"api" = "https://console${var.kaleido_region}"
"api_key" = "${var.kaleido_api_key}"
variable "env_types" {
type = "list"
default = ["quorum", "geth"]
description = "List of environment types you want to deploy. Options are 'quorum' and 'geth'."
variable "quorum_consensus" {
type = "list"
default = ["raft", "ibft"]
description = "Consensus methods supported by quorum."
This represents a Consortia. Give it a name and a description.
"mode" can be set to "single-org" or ...
resource "kaleido_consortium" "mine" {
name = "My Kaleido Consortium"
description = "Deployed with Terraform"
mode = "single-org"
This creates a membership, you can give it any "org_name" you like, but it has
to be linked to a Consortium via the Consortium resource "id".
resource "kaleido_membership" "kaleido" {
consortium_id = "${}"
org_name = "Me"
Creates environments in Consortia.
resource "kaleido_environment" "myEnv" {
consortium_id = "${}"
name = "My Environment"
description = "Deployed with Terraform"
env_type = "${element(var.env_types, 0)}"
consensus_type = "${element(var.quorum_consensus, 0)}"
Creates a node in each environment, must be linked to a consortium, environment, and membership.
resource "kaleido_node" "myNode" {
count = 3
consortium_id = "${}"
environment_id = "${}"
membership_id = "${}"
name = "terraform-node"
Creates an appkey for the "kaleido_membership" resource in
every environment.
resource "kaleido_app_key" "appkey" {
consortium_id = "${}"
environment_id = "${}"
membership_id = "${}"
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