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Encrypt the Planet 🌍

Frederic Jacobs FredericJacobs

Encrypt the Planet 🌍
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schwa /
Last active February 27, 2024 18:45
Using LLVM's libfuzzer with Swift

Using LLVM's libfuzzer with Swift


Of the many tools available for fuzzing, I've found that LLVM's libfuzzer is the easiest to use for Swift on macOS. Other tools seem to have a list of requirements taht are difficult to meet. libfuzzer on the other hand is built into LLVM and is available on macOS in the custom Swift toolchains:

In this document I'll describe how to use libfuzzer with Swift and Swift Packages.

I used this setup to fuzz an SVG Renderer package that I am building. I was able to find and fix a number of bugs in my SVG parsing code using libfuzzer in basically no time at all.

Important organizational announcement Due to feedback from several people who wish to contribute, this project is being moved to it's own repository. The master copy is now at SalusaSecondus/CryptoGotchas. This will let us more easily take PRs/Issues and track contributions.

jarbro /
Last active September 19, 2024 17:39
Generate Symantec VIP Access Token as TOTP

Generate Symantec VIP Access Token as OTP

Recently I came across a web service that required two-factor authentication using the Symantec VIP Access App. I already manage all of my OTP tokens in a different app (If you are on iOS I highly recommend using OTP Auth by Roland Moers.) and did not want to have to use yet another app to generate the TOTP.

There is a way to generate a Symantec VIP Access compatible token very easily if you have access to an environment which can run Python PIP. I happen to have Ubuntu Windows Subsystem Linux running on my machine. (If you are running Windows 10 and don't have this you should really check it out.) Let's get started...



Here we install python3-pip and qrencode so we can generate our secret, I

lattner /
Last active September 14, 2024 20:24
Swift Concurrency Manifesto
defeo /
Last active November 7, 2021 09:52
Key exchange in supersingular space-time

Key exchange in supersingular space-time

I was asked to vulgarize SIDH. Here is a very poor attempt!

Alice and Bob are space travelers. They both own a spaceship capable of traveling the galaxy through supersingular space-time at incredible speeds. They want to discuss a top-secret space mission, but they are afraid that the evil Zkptrx will spy upon their

This document has moved!

It's now here, in The Programmer's Compendium. The content is the same as before, but being part of the compendium means that it's actively maintained.

kennwhite /
Last active February 24, 2024 12:19
Most VPN Services are Terrible

Most VPN Services are Terrible

Short version: I strongly do not recommend using any of these providers. You are, of course, free to use whatever you like. My TL;DR advice: Roll your own and use Algo or Streisand. For messaging & voice, use Signal. For increased anonymity, use Tor for desktop (though recognize that doing so may actually put you at greater risk), and Onion Browser for mobile.

This mini-rant came on the heels of an interesting twitter discussion:

staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
heathermiller / gist:9158658
Last active December 11, 2018 06:35
A more beautiful Terminal experience.

A nicer Terminal experience.

Just add the following to your bash profile.

export PS1='\[\033[38;5;202;48;5;0m\]⏣ \[\033[38;5;134;48;5;0m\]\w \[\033[38;5;112;48;5;0m\]`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e ^* | sed -E  s/^\\\\\*\ \(.+\)$/\(\\\\\1\)\ /`\[\033[00m\]'

(The green bit there is the current branch you're on if you're in a directory that has a git repository within it)

taoeffect / gist:8855230
Created February 7, 2014 00:20
DNSChain + DNSCrypt! :-D
dnscrypt-proxy --local-address= --resolver-address= --provider-key=1D85:3953:E34F:AFD0:05F9:4C6F:D1CC:E635:D411:9904:0D48:D19A:5D35:0B6A:7C81:73CB