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Created August 16, 2022 19:09
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  • Save Frankdroid7/80e35c3390be3e1e68e6d1803edbd6d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Frankdroid7/80e35c3390be3e1e68e6d1803edbd6d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple function to check through a folder in the device if a file name already exists. If it does, append "(1)" to it to make it unique.
// This function helps to add a string at the back of each file name IF that
// file already exists in the user's file system, so that each file name will
// be unique.
Future<String> makeFileName(String path, String fileName) async {
bool fileExists = await File('$path/$fileName').exists();
if (fileExists) {
int counter = 1;
List newFileExt = fileName.split('.');
String ext = newFileExt[1]; // refers to the file extension.
String fName = newFileExt[0];
String newFileName = '$fName($counter).$ext';
bool newFileExists = await File('$path/$newFileName').exists();
while (newFileExists) {
List newFileExt = fileName.split('.');
String ext = newFileExt[1];
String fName = newFileExt[0];
/// The regex here is used to get the last occurrence of something like this: (1)
/// (opening and closing bracket with digit(s) inside). The reason for this is that
/// it may happen that a file name itself contains (something like this) "(1)"
RegExp regExp = RegExp(r'\([0-9]+\)$');
String? stringMatch = regExp.stringMatch(fName);
if (stringMatch != null) {
fName = fName.replaceAll(regExp, "(${counter + 1})");
} else {
fName = "$fName($counter)";
newFileName = '$fName.$ext';
newFileExists = await File('$path/$newFileName').exists();
counter += 1;
return newFileName;
return fileName;
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