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Valery Zinchenko FrameMuse

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FrameMuse / bem.ts
Created July 26, 2024 10:03
Light BEM class adapter
import { castArray } from "lodash"
import { isRecord } from "./common"
class BEM {
* @returns `class1 class2`
merge(...classNames: Array<string | null | undefined>): string {
FrameMuse / EventEmitter.ts
Created May 2, 2024 08:53
EventEmitter - Super light weight, Simple and Powerful
type EventEmitterListener = (...args: never[]) => void
class EventEmitter<Events extends Record<EventName, EventEmitterListener>, EventName extends keyof Events = keyof Events> {
private callbacks: Partial<Record<keyof never, Set<EventEmitterListener>>> = {}
public on<Event extends keyof Events>(event: Event, callback: Events[Event]) {
this.callbacks[event] ??= new Set
this.callbacks[event]?.add(callback as EventEmitterListener)
public off<Event extends keyof Events>(event: Event, callback: Events[Event]) {
FrameMuse / ProcessMarkdown.ts
Created April 27, 2023 14:47
Tiny React markdown converter | Converts directly to React elements, so it's completle safe.
import type { marked } from "marked"
import { Lexer, Renderer } from "marked"
import { createElement, Key, ReactNode, useState } from "react"
// You can use your own external link component.
const ExternalLink = "a"
* Tries to create `ReactElement`, if text is not `marked`, return as it is.
FrameMuse / BiMap.ts
Created December 1, 2022 09:38
Simple bidirectional (two ways) map class
* This class represent keys and values mapping (swapping).
* ### Research
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FrameMuse / FromSnakeToCamelCase.ts
Last active October 2, 2022 09:53
Trasnfoms string literal snake case to camel
type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> = S extends `${infer Start}_${infer Rest}` ? `${Start}${Capitalize<SnakeToCamelCase<Rest>>}` : S
type SnakeToCamelCase__TEST__ = SnakeToCamelCase<"my_account_profile"> // myAccountProfile
FrameMuse /
Last active October 19, 2022 10:27
OpenAPI Swagger Schema TypeScript Mapping, Parser, Reducer

OpenAPI Swagger Schema TypeScript Mapping, Parser

Reduces (or parses or maps) OpenAPI Swagger Schema to interface (or type) saving links to origin.


I am a laziest person ever, I never wanted to write a bit of boilerplate code. I dreamed of having a parser of Swagger schema, so I just download it once and I have all actions (or path or endpoints) in one place. In the beginning, I wrote all endpoints manually, then I wrote this parser to parse to Actions.ts and Schemas.ts files, that was enough for that time.

FrameMuse / interpolation.ts
Created April 5, 2022 12:18
Just a plain interpolation utility but with extracted interpolations to have a look of what variables you can interpolate into
type ExtractInterpolations<T extends string> = T extends `${infer _Start}{${infer V}}${infer Rest}` ? V | ExtractInterpolations<Rest> : never
* Interpolates {variable} in string
function interpolate<T extends string>(value: T, vars: Record<ExtractInterpolations<T>, string | number>): string {
const varKeys = Object.keys(vars) as ExtractInterpolations<T>[]
return varKeys.reduce((result: string, next) => result.replace(new RegExp(`{${next}}`, "g"), String(vars[next])), value)