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Created November 10, 2018 18:08
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  • Save Frago9876543210/7881efe063855c2bf0e00464f2229eba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$array = range(0, 19);
luck($array, 0.1, function(int $element) : void{
echo "*** jack pot / $element / with 0.1\n";
luck($array, 0.9, function(int $element) : void{
echo "* $element / with 0.9\n";
luck($array, null, function(int $element) : void{
echo "\t$element not processed!\n";
function luck(array &$array, ?float $percent, callable $callback){
if($percent === null){
foreach($array as $value) $callback($value);
$keys = array_rand($array, $count = (int) count($array) * $percent);
foreach($keys as $key){
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