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Fonserbc / Oklab.cs
Last active August 12, 2024 03:13
An implementation of the transformations to and from Oklab, along with color lerping using Oklab including unity's Gradient evaluation. For more information about Oklab by Björn Ottosson check
using UnityEngine;
* Oklab Unity implementation by Ferran Bertomeu Castells @fonserbc
* Oklab by Björn Ottosson
* under Public Domain
* For the conversions, I understand unity's Color as a gamma-space color
Fonserbc / SwipeInput.cs
Last active September 11, 2024 22:45
A simple swipe detector for touchscreens for Unity3D. Four cardinal directions.
using UnityEngine;
* Swipe Input script for Unity by @fonserbc, free to use wherever
* Attack to a gameObject, check the static booleans to check if a swipe has been detected this frame
* Eg: if (SwipeInput.swipedRight) ...
Fonserbc / PseudoRandomBoolean.cs
Last active May 21, 2021 13:26
A boolean, written for use in Unity3D, that evaluates to true pseudo-randomly. Given a *baseProbability* from 0 to 1, it follows a Pseudo-Random Distribution inspired by Every time it evaluates false, it increases the probability to evaluate true.
using UnityEngine;
using System;
* Source at
* Made by @fonserbc
* Inspired by Valve's PRNG in use in Dota 2
public class PseudoRandomBoolean {
Fonserbc / EdgeCollider2DEditor.cs
Last active April 19, 2020 10:48
A small editor script for Unity3D to edit EdgeCollider2D points on editor
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System;
public class EdgeCollider2DEditor : EditorWindow {
[MenuItem("Window/EdgeCollider2D Snap")]
public static void ShowWindow() {
EditorWindow.GetWindow (typeof(EdgeCollider2DEditor));
Fonserbc / Easing.cs
Last active August 27, 2024 23:41
Compact and simple easing functions for Unity
using UnityEngine;
* Most functions taken from Tween.js - Licensed under the MIT license
* at
* Quadratic.Bezier by @fonserbc - Licensed under WTFPL license
public delegate float EasingFunction(float k);
public class Easing