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Last active December 10, 2018 14:20
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ZEISS - Contributor License Agreement

Contributor License Agreement

We appreciate community contributions to code repositories open sourced by ZEISS. By signing a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), we ensure that the community is free to use your contributions.

Review the CLA document

This Contribution License Agreement ("Agreement") is agreed to by the party signing below ("You"), and conveys certain license rights to the Carl Zeiss AG and its affiliates ("ZEISS") for Your contributions to ZEISS open source projects. This Agreement is effective as of the latest signature date.

1. Definitions

"Code" means the computer software code, whether in human-readable or machine-executable form, that is delivered by You to ZEISS under this Agreement.

"Project" means any of the projects owned or managed by ZEISS in which software is offered under a license approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI) and documentation offered under an OSI or a Creative Commons license.

"Submit" is the act of uploading, submitting, transmitting, or distributing code or other content to any Project, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Project for the purpose of discussing and improving that Project, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by You as "Not a Submission."

"Submission" means the Code and any other copyrightable material Submitted by You, including any associated comments and documentation.

2. Your Submission

You must agree to the terms of this Agreement before making a Submission to any Project. This Agreement covers any and all Submissions that You, now or in the future (except as described in Section 4 below), Submit to any Project.

3. Originality of Work

You represent that each of Your Submissions is entirely Your original work. Should You wish to Submit materials that are not Your original work, You may Submit them separately to the Project if You

a. retain all copyright and license information that was in the materials as You received them, b. in the description accompanying Your Submission, include the phrase "Submission containing materials of a third party:" followed by the names of the third party and any licenses or other restrictions of which You are aware, and, c. follow any other instructions in the Project's written guidelines concerning Submissions.

4. Your Employer

References to "employer" in this Agreement include Your employer or anyone else for whom You are acting in making Your Submission, e.g., as a contractor, vendor, or, agent. If Your Submission is made in the course of Your work for an employer or Your employer has intellectual property rights in Your Submission by contract or applicable law, You must secure permission from Your employer to make the Submission before signing this Agreement. In that case, the term "You" in this Agreement will refer to You and the employer collectively. If You change employers in the future and desire to Submit additional Submissions for the new employer, then You agree to sign a new Agreement and secure permission from the new employer before Submitting those Submissions.

5. Licenses

a. Copyright License You grant ZEISS, and those who receive the Submission directly or indirectly from ZEISS, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license in the Submission to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute the Submission and such derivative works, and to sublicense any or all of the foregoing rights to third parties.

b. Patent License You grant ZEISS, and those who receive the Submission directly or indirectly from ZEISS, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license under Your patent claims that are necessarily infringed by the Submission or the combination of the Submission with the Project to which it was Submitted to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell and import, or otherwise dispose of the Submission alone or with the Project.

c. Other Rights Reserved Each party reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement. No additional licenses or rights whatsoever (including, without limitation, any implied licenses) are granted by implication, exhaustion, estoppel, or otherwise.

6. Representations and Warranties

You represent that You are legally entitled to grant the above licenses. You represent that each of Your Submissions is entirely Your original work (except as You may have disclosed under Section 3). You represent that You have secured permission from Your employer to make the Submission in cases where Your Submission is made in the course of Your work for Your employer or Your employer has intellectual property rights in Your Submission by contract or applicable law. If You are signing this Agreement on behalf of Your employer, You represent and warrant that You have the necessary authority to bind the listed employer to the obligations contained in this Agreement. You are not expected to provide support for Your Submission, unless You choose to do so.


7. Notice to ZEISS

You agree to notify ZEISS in writing of any facts or circumstances of which You later become aware that would make Your representations in this Agreement inaccurate in any respect.

8. Information about Submissions

You agree that contributions to Projects and information about contributions may be maintained indefinitely and disclosed publicly, including Your name and other information that You submit with Your Submission.

9. Governing Law / Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of Munich. The parties do not assert any other resulting jurisdiction.

10. Entire Agreement / Assignment

This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings or communications, written or oral, between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be assigned by ZEISS.

Sign the CLA

When you contribute to a ZEISS open source project on GitHub with a new pull request, a bot will evaluate whether you have signed the CLA. If required, the bot will comment on the pull request, including a link to this system to accept the agreement.

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