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Last active December 24, 2022 11:40
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  • Save FleshMobProductions/94335a77c202ea48798186784efc8561 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Custom Unity Editor for Transforms to be able to set global scale of an object directly in the inspector (needs to be placed inside an "Editor" folder, replaces the default Transform inspector)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
// When editing multiple projects, the LossyScale proeprty will display only the value of the first/main
// selected transform, which does not apply to all other selected transforms. So be careful when changing the LossyScale,
// as the scale values from this first transform are taken as base.
public class TransformLossyScaleEditor : Editor
Editor defaultEditor;
private void OnEnable()
defaultEditor = CreateEditor(targets, typeof(Editor).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.TransformInspector"));
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
//DrawDefaultInspector(); // Doesn't display rotation correctly
Transform transform = (Transform)target;
Vector3 lossyScalePrev = transform.lossyScale;
Vector3 lossyScaleCurrent = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("LossyScale", lossyScalePrev);
if (lossyScalePrev != lossyScaleCurrent)
// Only adjust the axis that have actually changed:
bool hasXChanged = HasAxisValueChanged(lossyScaleCurrent.x, lossyScalePrev.x);
bool hasYChanged = HasAxisValueChanged(lossyScaleCurrent.y, lossyScalePrev.y);
bool hasZChanged = HasAxisValueChanged(lossyScaleCurrent.z, lossyScalePrev.z);
var sceneHierarchySelection = Selection.objects;
foreach (var sceneObject in sceneHierarchySelection)
if (sceneObject is GameObject go)
Vector3 tScalePrev = go.transform.lossyScale;
Vector3 tScaleNew = tScalePrev;
if (hasXChanged)
tScaleNew.x = lossyScaleCurrent.x;
if (hasYChanged)
tScaleNew.y = lossyScaleCurrent.y;
if (hasZChanged)
tScaleNew.z = lossyScaleCurrent.z;
if (tScalePrev != tScaleNew)
SetLossyScale(go.transform, tScaleNew);
private bool HasAxisValueChanged(float axisCurrent, float axisPrev)
return Mathf.Abs(axisCurrent - axisPrev) >= Mathf.Epsilon;
private void SetLossyScale(Transform t, Vector3 lossyScale)
// Record changes so it they can be undone in the inspector
Undo.RecordObject(t, "Set transform lossy scale");
Transform parent = t.parent;
if (parent != null)
t.localScale = lossyScale;
if (parent != null)
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