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Created April 18, 2019 08:58
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this is quite painful
* middleware to get all reported comments
* @static
* @param {Request} req request object
* @param {Response} res response object
* @param {Function} next called on server errors
* @returns {void} void
* @memberof ReportedComments
static async getReported(req, res, next) {
try {
let comments = await sequelize.query(`WITH allcomments AS (SELECT id as tracker, author, "articleId", body, "parentTracker", "createdAt" FROM comments
UNION ALL SELECT tracker, author, "articleId", body, "parentTracker", "createdAt" FROM "archivedComments" ORDER BY "createdAt")
SELECT id, userid, reason, allcomments.* FROM "reportedComments" LEFT JOIN allcomments ON "reportedComments".commentid = allcomments.tracker
WHERE id = $1`, {
bind: [req.params.reportedId],
type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
let reason;
let userid;
let id;
comments = => {
id =
reason = comment.reason;
userid = comment.userid;
delete comment.reason;
delete comment.userid;
return comment;
res.status(200).send({ status: 200, id, userid, reason, comments });
} catch (error) {
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